2021 Demo Daze

For the 28th year, the Kansas BEST Hub will host the annual BEST competition for teams of high school and middle school students. The BEST competition motivates students by challenging them to build a remote-controlled robot that accomplishes a defined task within a competitive setting. Professional engineers and school teachers volunteer to coach teams through the engineering design process. Using only the materials in the BEST-provided kits, students have six weeks to design, develop and test a robot that can outperform their competitors. The weeks of hard work will culminate in a thrilling day-long competition in October.

Participation in Kansas BEST is FREE! All equipment is provided to participating teams. The only cost to teams is their transportation to events.




2021 Demo Daze Event Calendar

Kansas BEST

Kick Off 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

9:00 am - 1:00 pm



Eugene M Hughes Metropolitan Complex

Practice Day

November 13, 2021

8:00am - 2:00 pm


Game Day

November 20, 2021

8:00 am - 4:30 pm






Want more info?  Contact the College of Engineering at 成人头条