Enjoy organ music for young people today

An organ concert designed for children from USD 259 will delight young and old alike at 10:30 a.m. today (Wednesday, April 23) in Wiedemann Recital Hall. It is open to the public; tickets are $3. Lynne Davis, the Ann and Dennis Ross Endowed Faculty of Distinction in Organ, will perform familiar music from the movies "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter," "Over the Rainbow" from "The Wizard of Oz" and some classical music, too. She'll intersperse music with talk and illustrations of the different sounds of the organ as they relate to orchestra and voice. "It's really the world's biggest boombox," Davis said of the organ. The "short hour of discovery" is an effort to show that the organ can be a fun and modern instrument, Davis said, and she hopes to continue and expand the event into an annual young people's concert.