WSU Foundation end-of-fiscal year schedule

In order for the WSU Foundation to meet your deadline of making the deposit to reimburse WSU accounts on Monday June 25, requisitions are due at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 20. These checks will be released on Friday, June 22. Any check needs after June 22 are due at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 27, for the check run Thursday, June 28.

The WSU Foundation does not encumber funds, and we cannot write any checks for fiscal year 2018 after Friday June 29, 2018.

Please deliver all gifts to the WSU Foundation by 5 p.m. Friday, June 29. If gifts that are postmarked and dated June 30 or prior are received in the morning mail after June 30, please contact A.J. McCausland at 978-5215 to advise him that you have an additional item(s) to deposit in FY 2018.