Employee Badge scholarship information

The university is again offering a scholarship for employees who are interested in taking a badge course as a nondegree bound student. Badges are designed for working professionals in a wide array of subject areas. Go to https://wsu.news/badgecatalog for the complete badge catalog.

To receive the scholarship, employees must submit a completed Badge Interest Form at https://wsu.news/badgeintform, and be admitted and enrolled by Sept. 14, 2018. Please note application fees and badge tuition will appear on your record until the scholarship is processed and credited to your student account.

NOTE: Employees should take advantage of the badge course scholarship before applying for tuition assistance for the badge course. There is a limit of one scholarship for one badge course per person. For questions or more information, contact Keshia Ezerendu at 978-7579 or https://wsu.news/badgecontactform