Exceptions Petitions
The exceptions process allows students to petition for exceptions to specific academic rules and regulations. Exception petitions are considered first by the student's college committee, then by the university committee. Decisions made by the university committee are final.
It is recommended you speak to your advisor before petitioning for an exception. You can make an appointment with an academic advisor in the LAS Advising Center in Grace Wilkie Hall, room 115, or by phone at 316-978-4757. Please be aware that the information on this page is intended for Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences students.
Petition Forms
Petitions consist of a completed petition form and letter of justification (no longer than one page), along with appropriate documentation of issues described in the letter. Petitions for readmission to the university after academic dismissal should also include a completed self assessment worksheet. Advice and information on the form, letter, and documentation can be found in the Completing the Petition section of this page.
LAS Petition for Exception Form
Deadlines and Results
The exceptions committees meet monthly, and each month has an associated deadline. Petitions for a given month are due by 5:00 pm on the deadline date. Results are sent to WSU-provided email addresses by the month's result date (typically the Monday following the meeting of the university committee). You may also request a copy of your results in Grace Wilkie Hall, room 115. Due to federal privacy laws, we cannot release petition results over the telephone, nor can we release results to a non-WSU email address if one is available.
The current academic year deadlines and result dates follow.
- August 2024 deadline: August 5. Results: August 19.
- September 2024 deadline: September 9. Results: September 23.
- October 2024 deadline: October 7. Results: October 21.
- November 2024 deadline: November 11. Results: November 25.
- December 2024 deadline: December 2. Results: December 16.
- January 2025 deadline: January 10. Results: January 17.
- February 2025 deadline: February 10. Results: February 24.
- March 2025 deadline: March 17. Results: March 31.
- April 2025 deadline: April 7. Results: April 21.
- May 2025 deadline: May 5. Results: May 19.
- June 2025 deadline: June 16. Results: June 30.
- July 2025 deadline: July 7. Results: July 21.
Completing the Petition
Petitions consist of a completed petition form, a letter of justification explaining the exception being requested and why the petitioner feels the exception is warranted, and documentation of the circumstances that necessitate the exception. Your petition is a request for special consideration. Please present your case clearly and completely. Meeting with an academic advisor may improve your petition and help clarify your academic goals, and an advisor's signature is required for your petition to be considered. You can make an appointment with an academic advisor in the LAS Advising Center in Grace Wilkie Hall, room 115, or by phone at 316-978-4757.
- Type or neatly print your letter of justification. Neatness makes a good impression. If your letter cannot be easily read, the committee may not understand your situation. Use no more than one page. Do not use spiral notebook paper.
- Documentation is essential. Without appropriate documentation, your petition will not be considered by the committee
and no action will be taken. The committee does not need extensive documentation of
your situation, but you must provide enough documentation to verify the situation
and show why it affected your academic work. Statements from medical professionals
or employers must be on official company letterhead.
Examples of appropriate documentation:
- Illness: Note from physician confirming illness and dates of treatment
- Work change: Note from supervisor confirming dates of work schedule change
- Death in family: Copy of death notification or program from funeral
- Personal circumstances: Documentation from professionals including dates
- Readmission to WSU after attending another school: Attach official or unofficial transcripts from each other school showing grades and semesters attended.
Delivery of the Petition
The petition form and your letter can be turned in to our office by mail, fax, email, or in person. If you mail or fax your petition, please call the LAS Advising Center at 316-978-4757 to confirm it has been received. If emailed to the address below, an automatic reply will be sent confirming receipt.
- Mail:
LAS Advising Center Exceptions
1845 Fairmount, Box 6
成人头条, KS 67260-0006 - Fax: 316-978-3858
- Email: las.exceptions@wichita.edu
- In person: Grace Wilkie Hall, Room 115
If you are turning your petition in by email, a signature is still required. You can sign the form electronically using Adobe Acrobat Reader, making sure to draw your signature with the mouse instead of typing it. Alternatively, you can print the form, sign it, and either scan it or take a well-framed photograph of it. This form will not be accepted with a typed signature except in extraordinary circumstances.