Department of History, Affiliated Faculty

Academic Interests

Dr. Schneegurt's primary academic appointment is in Biological Sciences.  He pursues a secondary academic interest in Jewish Studies and historical documents.  His work focuses on the transcription, translation, and annotation of religious poetry and prayers in Spanish, Hebrew, and German.   A main subject has been the religious poetry of crypto-Jews caught in the Mexican Inquisition of the 16th century.  Another major work is the translation of the epigrams of Ephraim Moses Kuh, the first Jew to publish in a Western language (1792).  His latest book, Everyday Holiday, is the largest calendar of Jewish historical events and observances ever assembled.


Schneegurt, M. A.  (2025)  Sephardic prayer songs found in church records of Mexican Inquisition.  San Diego Jewish World, January 9, 2025.

Schneegurt, M. A.  (2024)  Everyday Holiday.  Because Everyday is a Special Day on the Jewish Calendar. Second Edition. (paperback, hardback, Kindle, eBook, website).  OpenCharm, CreateSpace, 350 pp. .

Schneegurt, M. A.  2021.  Revealed:  Stirring words from the victims of the Mexican Inquisition.  The Librarians, National Library of Israel, October 2021.

Schneegurt, M. A.  2020.  Anthology of Religious Poetry from the Mexican Inquisition Trials of 16th-Century CryptoJews.  (paperback, Kindle, eBook), OpenCharm, Kindle Direct Publishing, 200 pp.

Schneegurt, M. A.  (2014)  The First 100 Published Poems of Ephraim Moses Kuh 1792.  (paperback, Kindle, eBook), OpenCharm, CreateSpace, 121 pp.

Schneegurt, M. A.  (2014)  Die ersten 100 Ver枚ffentlicht Gedichte von Ephraim Moses Kuh 1792.

Schneegurt, M. A.  (2014)  Prayers for Sigd.  Psalm 122 Inserts.  6 pp.

Schneegurt, M. A.  (2014)  Everyday Holiday.  Because Everyday is a Special Day on the Jewish Calendar.  (paperback, Kindle, eBook, website).  OpenCharm, CreateSpace, 285 pp.

Schneegurt, M. A. (2012)  Tikkun Leil Shavuot.  Selections from Torah.


"Discovering the Poetry in Mexican Inquisition Trial Transcripts", 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, El Paso, August 2023.

"Anthology of Religious Poetry from the Mexican Inquisition Trials of 16th-Century CryptoJews", New Books Network, Jewish Studies (and on 11 other channels), podcast, January 2023, widely proliferated on podcast websites including Apple.

"Hidden in Plain Sight:  When Liturgical Writing Meets Religious Persecution", Exclusive Author Series, American Sephardi Federation, Institute of Jewish Experience, Center for Jewish History, (virtually) New York, June 2022, available on YouTube.

"Anthology of Religious Poetry from the Mexican Inquisition Trials of 16th-Century CryptoJews", Sephardic Heritage Institute, (virtually) Albuquerque, May 2022, available on YouTube.

"Poetry from the Mexican Inquisition Trials of CryptoJews from Mexico", Diverse Women's Summit, 成人头条, March 2022.

"CryptoJewish Poetry from the Mexican Inquisition Trials of the Carvajal Family", In: Heroines, Women of Sefarad Webinar Series, Jewish Heritage Alliance, (virtually) Ft. Lauderdale, November 2021, available on YouTube.

CryptoJewish Awakening

Primary Academic Department, Biological Sciences