ࡱ;  Root Entry  \p Eunice Myers Ba=@=@ 8X"1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Calibri1 Calibri1Calibri14Calibri1 Calibri1Calibri1Calibri1,8Calibri18Calibri18Calibri1>141<Calibri1?Calibri1h8Cambria1Calibri1 Calibri1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial GENERAL                + ) , *        .   /     .         1  >      1 5    ff     P  P      /  `  +       a>     8  x 8  8  8  8  x  8 8 8 8  20% - Accent1 20% - Accent2 20% - Accent3 20% - Accent4 20% - Accent5 20% - Accent6 40% - Accent1 40% - Accent2 40% - Accent3 40% - Accent4 40% - Accent5 40% - Accent6! 60% - Accent1" 60% - Accent2# 60% - Accent3$ 60% - Accent4% 60% - Accent5& 60% - Accent6 'Accent1 (Accent2 )Accent3 *Accent4 +Accent5 ,Accent6-Bad. Calculation/ Check Cell0Explanatory Text 1Good2 Heading 13 Heading 24 Heading 35 Heading 4 6Input7 Linked Cell 8Neutral 9Note :Output ;Title <Total= Warning Text`$Sheet1d+Sheet2,Sheet3jb( 3  @@  9,7Department of ___Physics_______________________________#Program-initiated Goal of ObjectiveWhere, When, and How Monitored(Expectation for Satisfactory PerformanceDecision Point #Observations of Student Performance'When and By Whom Were Results Analyzed?Outcome of AnalysisDept. or Program Follow-upPPhysics 111 students will demonstrate significant learning of conceptual physics3Pre- and post-testing using Force Concept Inventory%Performance on nationally normed examEach student demonstrates a gain g = (posttest-pretest)/(100-pretest) of at least 0.3 and/or final performance of 60% or better._How many students _3 students exceeded _21 meet and _14 did not meet expectations _ students exempted _38 TotalRDept. meeting date __ or Individual analysis (describe)? Based on previous report Objective not wholly satisfied. Follow-up strategy is to introduce interactive engagement methods in 111 course None required % Follow-up completion on date ___________ xWill re-examine by date end of fall semester and each semester thereaftergPhysics 213 students will demonstrate significant learning of algebra-level mechanics, heat, and waves$AP level B Physics exam (half of it)PEach student scores at least 40%, and students earning an A score at least 60%._How many students _33_ exceeded _83_met _84_did not meet expectations? __exempted _200_TotalSDept. meeting date ___ or Individual analysis (describe)? Based on previous reportObjective not wholly satisfied. Follow-up strategy is to introduce interactive engagement methods, to introduce a math placement test , and to begin to standardize curricula None required % Follow-up completion on date ___________ xWill re-examine by end of fall semester and each semester thereafterPhysics 214 students will demonstrate significant learning of algebra-level electricity, magetism, llight, and modern physics.AP level B Physics exam (the other half of it)How many students _9_ exceeded _32_met _56_did not meet expectations? __exempted _118_Total`Objective satisfaction unknown at this point. No students took the test.  None required % Follow-up completion on date ___________ xWill examine by end of fall semester and each semester thereaftermPhysics 313 students will demonstrate significant learning of calculus-level mechanics, heat, and wave motionAP level C Mechanics examHow many students _35_ exceeded _88_met _122_did not meet expectations? __exempted _245_TotalObjective not wholly satisfied. Follow-up strategy is to introduce interactive engagement methods and to introduce a math placement test.nPhysics 314 students will demonstrate significant learning of calculus-level electricity, magnetism, and light)AP level C Electricity and Magnetism examHow many students _23_ exceeded _177_met _80_did not meet expectations? __exempted _180_Total None required % Follow-up completion on date ___________ xWill re-examine by end of fall semester and each semester thereaftergGraduating seniors in Physics will demonstrate significant learning of the standard Physics curriculum&Graduate Record Examination in Physics Each student scores at least 50%How many students _4_ exceeded _0_met _0_did not meet expectations? _1_exempted _5_TotalGUndergraduate advisor is accumulating data on averages in each subfield Objective satisfaction unknown at this point. Follow-up strategy is to ensure curriculum in each advanced class covers essentials, and to introduce a problem-solving course. None required % Follow-up completion on date ___________ xWill examine each student as s/he graduates ,h   dMbP?_%*+B?&C&"Arial,Bold"SIUE Undergraduate Assessment and Program Review&?'?(?)?"d,,? ` `?U} >} J>} J>} >} >} %>} >} >} % > @b@r@r@r@r@r@ @       ? @ @ @ @ @ A B @ C D D D E F E E C D D D E F E E C D D D E F E E C D D D E F E E C! D" D D E# F E E$ C% D& D D' E( F) E* E+GHHHHIII IIIIIIIII JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJ KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKPH0(  >@U   dMbP?_%*+&?'?(?)?"d,, ` `? ` `?UPH 0(  >@   dMbP?_%*+&?'?(?)?"d,, ` `? ` `?UPH0 0(   >@  FMicrosoft Excel 97-TabelleBiff8Oh+'0HPl Student AssistantNickolas Solomey1@=6@gP@<ب@"P՜.+,D՜.+,\Root EntryF xK@Workbook2.CompObjIOle SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8t