Which is
The Precursor of the Subterranean World.
The Structure of the Terrestrial Globe, together with the hidden
mysteries contained within it, wherein the truth is revealed through the
veil of a fictitious narrative.
Divided into III Dialogues.
King of Hungary and Bohemia.
ROME, Printed by Maseardi. 1657.
To the Most Serene,
To the Most Powerful and Invincible
King of Hungary and Bohemia, etc.
Presented by
of the Society of Jesus.
Nearly four decades have now passed, Most Serene King, during which, under the auspices of the most fortunate and glorious memory of your Most Excellent and Supreme Father Ferdinand III, I have dedicated myself to literary pursuits to the best of my abilities. In these endeavors, our Most Wise Emperor has proven to be an exceptional example among rulers, not only in his exploration of various noble arts but also in his unwavering support for the publication of my works. His commitment can be likened to the historical account of Alexander and Aristotle by Plutarch, where the debate centered on whether Aristotle's prolific wisdom or Alexander's accomplishments were of greater benefit to the world of learning. I dare to assert that Emperor Ferdinand II Augustus's incredible enthusiasm and dedication to promoting literature surpasses even this comparison. His Most Wise Highness became aware that I possessed some esoteric works of knowledge, which, I hoped, might contribute to the greater good if published. Unfortunately, these works remained unpublished due to a lack of funds for their publication and the absence of any auxiliary assistance. Therefore, to ensure that the elaborate endeavors, conceived with great effort and accumulated through numerous literary toils, would not be lost, His Caesarean Majesty, in his innate generosity, extended his munificent hand to his loyal subject. He not only supported the literary works with his profound insights but also provided annual financial assistance. With this and other royal aids, His Majesty not only invigorated the fledgling institution but also provided much-needed support when I was burdened by excessive cares. To leave no stone unturned in advancing my cause, he generously shared treasures of arcane knowledge from his fertile intellect, which served to embellish my works and enrich the realm of curious learning.
I possessed certain works of profound learning intended for the greater good, which were perhaps not unworthy of publication. However, these works remained unseen by the public due to a lack of necessary funds for their publication and my absence of auxiliary assistance. Consequently, to ensure that the extensive labor conceived through my intellectual efforts and accumulated with great toil would not go to waste, His Majesty extended a generous hand to his humble subject, guided by the kindness of his heart. Through this support, his sound judgment, and the annual provision of funds, along with other generous royal aids, he not only provided encouragement when I faltered under the weighty burden of my project but also lifted me up when I staggered under the overwhelming demands. Furthermore, he did not overlook any potential avenues that could benefit my enterprise, and graciously shared treasures of esoteric knowledge from the abundant repository of his own intellect. These treasures were intended not only to embellish my works but also to foster the growth of inquisitive learning.
Therefore, considering all of this, and recognizing in the rare example of the Emperor's benevolence that there is nothing so difficult, obscure, impenetrable, or concealed within the inner sanctums of learning that cannot be unveiled through the praise of the Prince's generosity, who stands out prominently among those whose minds, as if burdened by some weight, are drawn toward great and challenging literary endeavors and who can advance them with a mere gesture. I now turn to you, O King, the Great Son of a Great Parent, the illustrious Offspring of an August House. Your pious and wise father earned the world's admiration through his exemplary virtues, and the world now acknowledges the abundant branch that has sprouted from you, as if by hereditary right. The world admires in your royal person a divine endowment of great character, highly suited for the cultivation of wisdom and the bestowal of favor upon its devotees. I, the least among others, seek refuge at the Sacred altars of Your Majesty, hoping and relying with all the sincerity of my heart that my work and continued studies may thrive under your benevolent influence and guidance. Whatever future benefits the Literary Republic may anticipate from my humble efforts, they were all initiated and conceived under the auspicious patronage of your Most Wise Father. This present modest work is to be dedicated as a precursor to the grander work titled 'Mundus Subterraneus,' which, if completed in accordance with its worthiness, will be truly remarkable for its exploration of the hidden workings of nature. However, hindered by various challenges of the times, it remains unfinished. Therefore, I have chosen to inscribe this pamphlet under the immortal splendor of Your Name as a commitment to the continuation of the larger work. Should you favor it with your benevolent gaze, I, inspired by this new encouragement, will redouble my efforts and, as the saying goes, 'reach for the stars with uplifted head.' It is fitting for a great mind such as yours to believe and be convinced that there is nothing more effective in preserving the immortal legacy of Princes and Kings than having a multitude of highly favored wise men who form the backbone of our world's well-being. To achieve this, I beseech the Almighty God to adorn Your Royal Heart with excellent laws, to fill it with deeds worthy of praise, and to enrich it with abundant wisdom. May He protect, fortify, and bless it with His mighty power, guiding it in magnificence, being ever-present with it, watching over it, and showering it with the fullness of royal happiness. Farewell, Great King; may you live long and be a tremendous blessing to both yourself and the Church, serving as a living witness to God.
Rome, 1st November 1657.