The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Spring 2004 semester.
January 30, 2004
Prof. Victor Isakov
"On increased stability in the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation"
February 6, 2004
Prof. Daowei Ma
"Rigidity of Grauert Tubes over Noncompact Manifolds"
February 9, 2004
Prof. John Robertson
University of Toronto, Ontario
"Complex Dynamics in Higher Dimensions"
February 13, 2004
Prof. Andrew Acker
"On the existence of convex classical solutions for the generalized Prandtl-Batchelor
free-boundary problem."
February 18, 2004
Prof. Tatyana Foth
University of Michigan
"Quantization, Kahler manifolds, and automorphic forms."
February 23, 2004
Prof. Thalia D. Jeffres
Universidad Michoacana, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico
"Regularity of the Heat Operator Some Noncompact Manifolds."
March 10, 2004
Prof. Mladen Victor Wickerhauser
Washington University in St. Louis
"Constructing Nonlinear Edge Detectors Using Fourier Moments."
March 22, 2004
Prof. Henrik Shahgholian
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
"Free Boundary Regularity."
April 9, 2004
Prof. Alexandre Boukhgueim
"The Riemann's Hypothesis and stability of one dimensional tomography problem."
April 16, 2004
Prof. Geoffrey Martin
University of Toledo
"Accelerated Expansion, Inflation and the Trace Inequality"
April 23, 2004
Prof. Christian Wolf
"Natural measures in dynamics or can we compute the size of a dynamical system by
knowing only one orbit"
May 14, 2004
Prof. Han Peters
University of Michigan
"Fatou-Bieberbach domains with large boundaries"