Great Plains Model United Nations October 4-5, 2024

GPMUN is a collegiate Model UN conference hosted by 成人头条. Founded in 2023, it is an intentionally small conference with a focus on sharpening foundational Model UN skills and strengthening consensus-building and collaboration in new and experienced Model UNers.

Great Plains group gathered with the signs of the nations that they represented

Conference Information

October 4-5, 2025


Registration fees are $10 for WSU students and $20 for non-WSU students. 

Fees should be paid immediately upon registration via .

Day of Information

Friday Oct. 4th:
12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Saturday Oct.:
5th 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Parking: You can find an interactive campus map and vistor parking information here
Food Options: There are many on campus food options from our Shocker Dinning Hall, to restruaunts in the Rhatigan Student Center like Panda Express, Freddys Frozen Custard and steakburgers, and Chick- Fil-A. 

Committe Topics

Topic 1: Countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices

Topic 2: International cooperation to address and counter the world drug problem

Contact information

For more information, questions, or concers you can contact Dr. Alexandra Middlewood 


Preparing for the Conference

This conference allows you to take on the role of diplomats from a foreign country in a simulation of UN committee meetings. You can become an expert on particular global issues and then meet with other "diplomats" representing countries around the world to write resolutions. These resolutions address a variety of global problems. This conference allows you to hone your skills in research, writing, public speaking, and negotiation.

All of the materials below will help you learn more about your assigned country, its policy priorities, the committee topics, and how to effectively interact at the conference.

Delegate Handbook

Delegate Handbook

Research Information 
  • country specific information
  •  - headline news on variety of global topics

Point or Motion Second? Debatable Majority? Description
Point of Information  No No No This point is made if a delegate has a question regarding rules or other concerns, or needs clarification from the Chair.
Suspension of the meeting


Yes Simple majority This motion is made when delegates want to break from formal session in order to begin writing resolutions, or to seek support from other delegates for their draft resolutions.
Close Debate  Yes Yes 2/3's majority This motion is made when delegates have completed their work on their resolutions and are ready to put them to a formal vote. Only four resolutions will be approved by the Chair for a formal vote.
Move topic to the floor  Yes Yes Simple majority This motion is made in order to begin discussion on one of the two topic areas. Delegates get to decide which topic they want to address first.
Establish a Speaker's list  Yes Yes Simple majority This motion is made if delegates want to establish a list of speakers. Delegates will be invited put their names on the list so they can address the body when it is their turn. If there is no list, delegates will be called on as they raise their placards.
Close Speaker's list  Yes Yes Simple majority This motion is made if delegates would prefer to be called on as they raise their placards instead of following the order on an established Speaker's List.
Limit Speaker's time  Yes Yes Simple majority

This motion allows delegates to limit how long each speaker is allowed to speak. (Usual limits are

between 1 鈥 3 minutes). This motion can be made multiple times if a different time limit is desired.

* All motions are debatable and require a second before they can be voted on by the body. When a motion is Debatable, it means that the Chair will take one speaker in favor of the motion and one speaker against the motion. Each speaker will briefly state why the motion should be supported by the body or rejected by the body.

* A simple majority is considered 50% + 1. If a vote is tied, the motion fails.