
The Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College Weekly Update

Honors News

General Assembly April 15 at 3pm

All students and faculty invited to consider proposed changes to College Bylaws 

Please join the council led by Council Chair Abby Jurgensmeier for a live virtual College General Assembly on Wednesday, April 15th at 3pm. The Zoom meeting link will be posted to the Cohen Honors College Facebook page and Twitter.

The Honors College Student Council is proposing several changes to the College Bylaws including a change to the language that governs Honors admissions. These changes were approved by the student council on  April 2, 2020 and endorsed by a vote of the faculty council on April 10, 2020. Changes to the College Bylaws must go to the general Honors student body for a vote. A link to vote will be available following the general assembly.

Find the current bylaws and proposed revisions on the Mission and Governance page of the college website. 


Cohen Honors College Student Council applications due April 24

Applications to serve on the Cohen Honors College Student Council 2020-21 are open. by April 24th.

The Honors Student Council aims to develop a strong sense of community and common identity among Honors students by providing opportunities and serving as a refuge to all students of the Cohen Honors College. The Council uses innovative approaches to identify and address the challenges and needs of all Honors students and serves as the voice of students through communication with the staff, faculty and Dean of the Cohen Honors College.
For information about current members, visit the Student Council page on the college website. 

The student council meets every Thursday 5-6pm by Zoom. Visit the Cohen Honors College Facebook page for the link. To bring an idea or concern to the current student council, email aljurgensmeier@shockers.wichita.edu or honorsassistant@wichita.edu.

Become an Honors Ambassador

Honors Ambassadors assist the Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College in the recruitment of future Honors students. Honors Ambassadors represent the Honors College at various events and activities across campus.Any high school senior, transfer student or current student who has been admitted to the Cohen Honors College is encouraged to apply for membership no later than 5 pm Friday, April 24.

Interviews will be conducted the week of May 11 and 18. Due to the current situation with COVID-19, Skype and phone interviews will be offered if we are not able to conduct in-person interviews. You will be notified as to whether or not you have been selected for an interview.

Ready to submit your application?  to access the application. 

If you have questions, please contact Trish Gandu at trish.gandu@wichita.edu or (316) 978-6697. 

Faculty Mentor award nominations open until May 1

Each year, Honors students are invited to nominate an Honors faculty member who has provided mentorship inside or outside of the classroom for the Faculty Mentor Award. To nominate a faculty member who has had a positive impact on you, submit a letter describing in detail what qualifies the faculty member for this award.

Submit your nomination through by May 1. Past recipients are not eligible. 

Past Recipients:
   2019 - William Woods, English
   2018 - Peter Cohen, Public Health Sciences
   2017 - Douglas Parham, Communications Sciences and Disorders
   2016 - Elaine Bernstorf, Music
   2015 - Stephen Brady, Mathematics & Statistics

Honors Student Sydney Wyatt in the News

If you missed this week's edition of The Sunflower, check it out  to read about Sydney Wyatt's experience returning home from study abroad this semester. A sophomore integrated marketing major and Honors student with a love of literature, Sydney studied at the University of Chester with the support of a . 


Honors Courses Still Available for Summer and Fall 2020

Seats are still available in several of the Honors Seminar offerings for Summer 2020 and Fall 2020. For full course descriptions, search the online schedule of courses.

Email Jessica.Raburn@wichita.edu to arrange a meeting to discuss how these courses may meet general education and Honors requirements for you.

Fall 2020 Honors Seminars
HNRS 106AB - Exploring Our National Parks. Dr. Chelsea Redger Marquardt guides students in learning about our national parks through a service leadership lens. Student will explore the service, volunteer coordination, historic preservation, conservation and human impact. 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Tuesday & Thursday (CRN 16765)
HNRS 305U - The Power of Storytelling. Journalist Roy Wenzl explores narrative and storytelling with honors students. Using their own lives as the source, students develop story-telling techniques. 5:35 PM - 7:55 PM Monday (CRN 14783)
HNRS 405G - After the Fall: Identity in Literature. This prescient course starts with the premise that nothing human is eternal. Nations fail, cities fall to ruin, and then, somehow, the human miracle: people gather themselves to begin again, starting out on the long road back to security, culture and a new identity. Accomplished literature professor, Dr. William Woods, uses literature spanning the fall of Troy to the aftermath of WWI to examine devastation, renewal and new life. 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Tuesday & Thursday (CRN 16787)
New Summer 2020 Honors Seminars (Remote)
Move forward your degree this summer with expanded course offerings in Honors.  All offerings are in the new Remote format. Students in these courses will have designated or arranged times when they are expected to meet in a remote platform as determined by the professor.

HNRS 153T - Bang, Black Holes, Fate of the UniverseExplore the universe with astronomer, Martin Ratcliffe. Students learn about our universe from the Big Bang to recent spacecraft missions. June 1 to July 24 remote, synchronous class times: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 11:00 鈥 12:00 (CRN 32445)
Summer Pre-session! HNRS 310G - Digital Imaging (1 credit). Martin Ratcliffe introduces students to the basics of scientific imaging using CCD cameras in this short course. Imaging is used in areas such as medicine, astronomy, engineering, meteorology, and Earth Resources/land management. During this course, you will understand how CCD devices work, how to process images in black and white and color, and what scientific information can be acquired. May 18-30th remote, synchronous class times: Monday through Friday 11:00 鈥 12:30; additional meetings will be arranged. (CRN 32446)
HNRS 351 - Survey of Leadership. Dr. Chelsea Redger Marquardt guides students through an overview of the main leadership theories and a history of leadership. Students learn to recognize and apply leadership theory. June 1 鈥 June 27 remote, synchronous class times: Monday through Thursday 9:00 鈥 12:00. (CRN 32444)
HNRS 406C - Making Social Impact.  Dr. Eveline Ndinelao Kalomo leads students to explore how to understand social forces and social change through qualitative research. Students use the information gathered to design a qualitative research proposal and a poster presentation. Open to honors students with a background in social sciences. Course may be used to fulfill the honors research or creative activity requirement. June 29-July 24 remote, synchronous class times: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 鈥 12:30. (CRN 32419)

Honors office contacts

We want to hear from you! .