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Degree Map

W. Frank Barton School of Business

BBA in Marketing — Data Driven Marketing and Intelligence emphasis (2024 - 2025)

1st year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
ENGL 100 College English I 0103 ENGL 102 College English II 0103
MATH 111 College Algebra 0303 COMM 111 Public Speaking 0203
BADM 100 World of Businses3 ECON 231 Intro to Business Stats3
First Year Seminar or Open Elective 13 ECON 232 Statistical Software App1
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics 0503 ACCT 210 Financial Accounting3
BADM 162 Business Software- MS Excel1 Arts & Humanities Gen Ed 0603
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 16

Total hours for 1st year: 32

2nd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
MKT 300 Marketing 63 MKT 405 Consumer Behavior3
MATH 144 Business Calculus 0703 MKT 403 Marketing Research3
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics3 Arts & Humanities Gen Ed 9 0603
FIN 340 Financial Management3 DS 350 Operations Management3
ACCT 220 Managerial Accounting3 Open Elective 23
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 2nd year: 30

3rd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
BSAN 675 Analytics Modeling Spreadsheets 73 MKT 690N Customer Journey Analytics 83
MKT 690M Data Driven Metrics for Marketing 73 MGMT 360 Principles of Management3
Natural & Physical Science Gen Ed 0404 MKT 690O Database & Visual Storytelling3
Open Elective3 Business Analytics Minor Elective 43
Open Elective3 Open Elective3
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 3rd year: 31

4th year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
MKT 690K Marketing Analytics & Intelligence3 MKT 690 Strategic Marketing Management3
Business Analytics Minor Elective3 ENTR 310 Entreprenurial Experience 0503
MIS 395 Management Info Systems3 MGMT 681 Strategic Management 53
IB 333 International Business 0703 BLAW 431 Legal Enviro of Business3
Open Elective3
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 12

Total hours for 4th year: 27

Hours needed to complete the degree: 120

  1. All incoming freshman are required to take one First-Year Seminar as part of their General Education program. Students who are exempt from First-Year Seminar requirements may take an additional open elective.
  2. Open electives are any course, in any subject that are at least numbered 100 or above and are not courses that have been previously completed.
  3. Natural & Physical Science Gen Ed must include lab
  4. Data Driven Marketing & Intelligence major requires Business Analytics minor. See catalog or meet with an academic advisor regarding courses that meet minor elective requirements.
  5. Taken in Last Semester
  6. MKT 300 minimum grade C+
  7. Fall only
  8. Spring only
  9. Arts & Humanities Gen Ed must be in two different subjects

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key

  • 010 English
  • 020 Communications
  • 030 Math/Statistics
  • 040 Natural and Physical Science
  • 050 Social and Behavioral Science
  • 060 Arts and Humanities
  • 070 Institutionally Designated/Diversity