Online screenings

Are you wondering if you or a friend might be drinking too much? Are you concerned about how someone may be coping with stress, acting toward others, or managing food?

NOTE: these screenings are not a substitute for face-to-face treatment and professional referral If you feel that you need someone to see, you can make an appointment with us at 316-978-4792. The first appointment is free.

Video Series

Counseling and Psychological Services has created several video series to help our students with everyday stressors and mental health symptoms. These videos are made to help you learn about resources and coping skills over topics including:

To view all of our videos, please check out !

Community Resources

Counseling and Psychological Services has compiled some lists of resources for students to pursue in the community on a variety of subjects:

Mental Health-Friendly Apps and Websites

Here are some phone apps that are either entirely free or have free content to help with your mental health:

  • Hear and Now: Focuses on your breathing. Surrounding you with the sounds of a peaceful, natural environment, Hear and Now takes your heart rate and gives you real-time feedback. Available for devices.
  • Headspace: A mindfulness app developed by British meditation expert Andy Puddicombe. This free demo includes the first ten sessions and interactive elements. Available on , , and devices.
  • Calm: While there are many paid options, Calm offers dozens of recorded mindfulness exercises for you to follow along for free. These include breathing exercises, mediation, sleep aids, and several calming, peaceful themes. Available for and devices.
  • Stop, Breathe & Think: An award-winning app offering short mental health exercises picked just for you. Stop, Breathe & Think focuses on making a safe space in just a few minutes. Available for , , and devices.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation on Campus:
  • The Mind/Body Connection for Students:




Counseling and Psychological Services


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If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, follow this link for more info.