2021 Retrospective

Ringing in a new year always brings an interesting mix of thoughts and emotions for me. It’s a time where motivation and determination are top of mind. We are expectant of change and growth in the coming year. At the same time, we look back on the year we’ve accomplished. The hardships, challenges, celebrations, and blessings.

While it certainly had its challenges, 2021 was a great year for the PPMC. We helped clients positively contribute to their communities, added new staff members, started leading major community initiatives, and helped empower our communities.

To celebrate all that happened in 2021 and to look forward to 2022, I asked a few PPMC staff members to share their experiences.

What was your hardest challenge in 2021? 

“I think the biggest challenge I experienced also kind of feels like the biggest success, which was our new need to constantly pivot and find new ways to accomplish our goals. I think we did a good job in doing that, but that process was certainly challenging.” – Dulcinea Rakestraw

Can you share a moment from 2021 when you really felt the gravity and importance of public service?

“When our students returned to school after spring break, and we saw the incredible work that our teachers did to serve them and the joy that both teachers and students felt when coming back together. It really represented the foundation of public service and the importance of community. When the PPMC also returned to campus in June, we got to see Cindy again, who cleans our building, and we were all so joyful to be back together and to see how well she kept the ship running. It was really meaningful to all of us, and I think it’s important we recognize these people who have kept our ships afloat during this time.” – Misty Bruckner

“I'd have to say it was during the MHSA Coalition presentation at the Metroplex back in September. A woman got up and spoke about her own daughter's struggles with mental health and how difficult it is to find help in a timely manner. Until that point I had no idea how long and frustrating this process can be. We have to find a way to muster the resources to help these individuals and families. What are we spending time, money, and other resources on that could be reallocated toward mental health?” – Nigel Soria

Can you share an exciting win for a client project you experienced in 2021?

“A big win for our clients was going virtual with our services, it increased the impact and sphere of influence, while also eliminating barriers to entry for participants.” – Morgan Barnes

“Seeing our public servants, elected leaders, nonprofits, and private sector organizations come together to continue to address big issues has been a huge win for our community. Plus, working with the City of ͷ Diversity, Inclusion, and Civil Rights Advisory Board is a continuing example of tangible actions that bring our community together. That has been very inspiring and meaningful to me.” – Misty Bruckner

What are you excited about for 2022?

“Things I’m excited about are ways we’re taking our clients’ projects that we’ve been working on to the next step, like the pilot projects with the Mental Health & Substance Abuse Coalition and working on implementing and testing customer service initiatives in workforce.” – Dulcinea Rakestraw

What’s something you have coming up in 2022 that you want to share?

“I’m excited about working with Oaklawn Activity Center. It’s such a great facility, so we’re helping them engage with the surrounding community to make sure they’re serving the community as best they can. They already have a great after school program and they want to focus on community outreach, so we’re excited to kind of reintroduce the Center back to the community this year.” – Andrew Myers

“Our new and improved LGN because I’m seeing that people are coming back ready to engage. I’m excited about the new benefits we’re offering and our new ways of providing training we learned from pivoting during the pandemic. Plus, now we also have new staff members to expand our topic offerings.” – Paula Downs

What are your hopes for public service in 2022?

“I hope those in the trenches have the support they need to do the hard lift to serve people, whether that’s teachers, firefighters, police offices, nonprofits, etc. that work with vulnerable populations, I hope they have the necessary support.” – Misty Bruckner

“My hope is that people continue to extend grace beyond the ‘here and now’ and continue rallying together for the best possible outcomes in 2022!” – Sarah Shaffer

Working with these folks always inspires me. What a crew I get to work with and learn from! We’re starting off 2022 with a bang. Public service is more important now than ever and I’m glad they’re on board and ready to work hard to improve our communities.

What are you and your team looking forward to? How can we help you reach your goals in 2022?