Current needs include:

  • BIOL-220
  • CHEM-212
  • GEOL-103

SI Leader Requirements:

  • You have taken the course and earned an A.
  • You are able to attend the course.
  • You can work up to ten hours/week on campus.
  • You should have a valid SSN.
Personal Data
The ID the university has given you.
Position Applied For
Your current overall GPA
Your current GPA for classes in your major
Educational Background
The name of your high school
Where was this school?
What other college have you attended? (optional)
What other college have you attended? (optional)
Why are you interested in this position and why do you feel that you would be a good choice for this position?
What advice would you give to new students that would help them become successful students?
What is your definition of academic success?
Academic References
First reference
Second Reference
I hereby attest that all of the information stated in this application to be truthful and accurate.*

Updated 4/25/2022 - If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the Shocker Learning Center at 316-978-3023 or email Caitlin Jordan at