Student Government Meeting Public Forum

NOTE: There is not option for a virtual address at this time.

This form will serve as the electronic sign up form to speak during public forum at the beginning of the Student Senate, Senate Committee, Subcommittee, and other offical Student Government meetings for Student Government Association. Public forum is open to all students, faculty, staff, administration. Public forum is also open to community members so long as they receive approval from the Speaker of the Senate of the meeting prior to speaking during public forum.

Those desiring to speak in front of the Student Senate and its committees, the individual must register by corresponding Wednesday of meetings by 7:30 PM.

The form below includes a section for contact information for members of the Association to follow up with you if need be and also a section asking for which topic you will be speaking on. 

Speakers during public forum will be allocated 3 minutes to speak to the Student Government and may be given the chance to be asked questions from Student Government Officers, but are not required to take questions if they choose not to. If you have any questions about public forum, please email the Speaker of the Senate at if you're looking to speak to the Student Senate or the Student Body Treasurer at

Please fill out and submit this form.

Please select the most appropriate classification*
Which Senate Body would you like to speak to?*
Please review the schedule above, prior to identifying a date.