Would you like to enroll in classes at another university for a semester or two? If this sounds appealing to you, you may be a candidate to participate in the National Student Exchange program. Along with more than 170 other colleges and universities, WSU participates in a program that allows students to study a semester or a year at another participating university. Students can live in a different area and experience an entirely new campus environment while continuing to pay WSU tuition and working towards a WSU degree.

Curiosity is your compass

"If there's a state you've always dreamed of living in, NSE can make it possible while helping you continue your education." - Ashlin Bohl, WSU student who spent a semester at the University of Montevallo in Alabama

Hear from more NSE students

Info Sessions for Spring 2025

Tuesday, Jan. 28 RSC 264 at 11 a.m.
Thursday, Feb. 20 RSC 203 at 3 p.m.
Monday, Mar. 4 RSC 203 at 10 a.m.
Tuesday, April 29 RSC 264 at 1 p.m.