Sponsorship Opportunities
鈥 Exhibitor table on day of sponsorship
鈥 Includes booth on conference app to showcase your organization
鈥 Name and logo featured in slide presentation prior to program & during lunch break
鈥 Logo on conference signage
鈥 Complimentary Packet Insert
鈥 Exhibitor table on day of sponsorship
鈥 Includes booth on conference app to showcase your organization
鈥 Name and logo featured in slide presentation prior to program & during lunch break
鈥 Logo on conference signage
鈥 Complimentary Packet Insert
鈥 Exhibitor table on day of sponsorship
鈥 Includes booth on conference app to showcase your organization
鈥 Name and logo featured in slide presentation prior to program & during lunch break
鈥 Logo on conference signage
鈥 Exhibitor table on day of sponsorship
鈥 Includes booth on conference app to showcase your organization
鈥 Name and logo featured in slide presentation prior to program & during lunch break
鈥 Logo on conference signage
鈥 Exhibitor table on day of sponsorship
鈥 Name and logo featured in slide presentation prior to program & during lunch break
鈥 Logo on conference signage
Participate even if you are unable to attend! Ship your materials (brochure, flyer, postcard, swag item) to us, and we will include them in the participants鈥 bags. Materials must be received NO LATER than July 9. Cost of shipping is your responsibility.
Additional Information
Marriott Shipping and Electricity
Electricity and/or package shipping must be ordered directly through the Marriott. Download the order form .
Note: Requests must be received two weeks prior to the event to guarantee electrical hookups and equipment availability. Please return complete form with check, money order or credit card number to:
WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex Shipping
Shipping via FedEx or UPS:
WSU Conference Office
Attn. WPTC Conference
5015 E. 29th Street N, Door C
成人头条, KS 67220