Policies and Procedures Manual Additions and Revisions

July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

1.06 / University Committees
Rescission Date: June 17, 2016
Procedures outlined had fallen out of use and some committees had disbanded. Rescission will not impact existing committees or the ability to use committees as needed.

1.06 / Affiliated Corporations
Revision Date: June 17, 2016
To add 成人头条 Innovation Alliance, Inc. and WSIA Investments Corporation to roster of affiliated corporations (renumbered former Section 1.07 to fill vacated Section 1.06).

3.47 / Discrimination Review Procedures for Students, Employees and Visitors
Effective Date: June 17, 2016
To establish review procedures to be followed when a complaint is made by a student, employee or visitor that alleges discrimination on the basis of a protected status (excluding discrimination based on sex), or retaliation in the University's employment practices, educational programs and activities. The procedures were rewritten and supersede those used previously.

6.04 / Appointment Statuses
Revision Date: June 17, 2016
To update parameters of appointment statuses and notice of non-reappointment, with new parameters established for employees hired on or after July 5, 2016.

19.01 / Acceptable Use (standards for University computing and information technology resources)
Revision Date: June 17, 2016
To update and clarify acceptable use standards via the insertion of new items 4, 5, 7, 8 and 19 in the policy statement. An exception clause was added to item 16 for the University Police Department or Office of the General Counsel engaged in legal investigations.

Chapter 19 / Technology
19.02 / Content (incorporated into Section 19.01)
19.08 / Usage of Personal Digital Assistants (no longer necessary)
19.09 / Network/System Administrators (no longer necessary)
19.11 / Access to Computing and Information Technology Resources Upon Cessation of Employment (incorporated into Section 19.01)
19.14 / Required Computer and Information Technology Training (incorporated into Section 19.01)

Rescission Date: June 17, 2016
Technology sections above were either no longer necessary or incorporated into Section 19.01.

19.05 / University Information Technology Resources and Email
Revision Date: June 17, 2016
To specify the format for employee email addresses for University business use and retiree email addresses when requested.

13.05 / Tuition and Fees Payment Plan
Revision Date: June 3, 2016
To update parameters of the University's Payment Plan Program.

13.12 / Disposal of Surplus Property
Revision Date: June 3, 2016
To specify how proceeds from property sales are to be deposited.

13.14 / Security of Credit Card Data
Revisions Date: June 3, 2016
To specify payment applications used to process credit cards must be certified to be compliant with Payment Card Industry Payment Application Data Security Standard, including payment applications hosted off campus by third parties. Financial Operations and Business Technology will maintain an inventory of all technologies used to process credit cards.

13.13 / Safeguarding of State Property
Effective Date: April 26, 2016
To remove an unnecessary sentence that was not always clear, depending on the circumstances.

Chapter 14 / Purchasing
14.01 / General Purchasing Policies
14.02 / Purchases Less Than $10,000 ($3,000 for Federally Funded Programs)
14.03 / Purchases of $3,000 or More
14.04 / Externally Sponsored Research Programs

Effective Date: March 29, 2016
To comply with new Federal OMB 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance, and to increase sole source limit to $10,000 for non-federal funds. All former sections in Chapter 14 were rescinded with the adoption of the above.

3.02 / Notice of Nondiscrimination
Effective Date: March 25, 2016
Updates previous notice to address both employment and educational programs and activities so the University can use one notice. Adds "sex" and "pregnancy" among list of identified classes and also adds Title IX information.

3.05 / Students and Employees with AIDS (General Employment Policies)
Rescission Date: March 25, 2016
To reflect how the university addresses illnesses associated with HIV/AIDS (addressed the same way as other health issues that may arise).

3.06 / Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, Relationship Violence and Stalking Policy for Employees and Visitors
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
Modest updating with most occurring within the appeals section.

3.29 / Search Waivers
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
Adds option for search waiver to hire individuals in job groups targeted by the Affirmative Action Plan. Candidates are still required to meet minimum job qualifications.

3.44 / Mandatory Reporting of Sexual Abuse of Minors
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
To require employees to report child sexual abuse if another witnesses the abuse and reports it to the employee. Adds reference of obligations under federal law and more clearly details definition of sexual abuse, and updates and expands policy application.

3.46 / Veterans Preference in the Application Process
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
To eliminate reference to objective scoring consistent with updated employment application process. Veterans meeting all minimum job requirements for the position applied must be interviewed.

5.12 / Graduate Faculty Membership
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
Modest updating of wording to maintain consistency when referring to doctoral committees, e.g. "doctoral committee" rather than "dissertation committee" or "doctoral dissertation committee."

8.08 / International Students Mandatory Health Insurance
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
To allow waivers in certain circumstances.

8.09 / Students and Employees with AIDS (Student Policies and Procedures)
Rescission Date: March 25, 2016
To reflect how the university addresses illnesses associated with HIV/AIDS (addressed the same way as other health issues that may arise).

8.10 / Statement of Nondiscrimination in Educational Programs and Activities
Rescission Date: March 25, 2016
New Section 3.02 addresses both employment and educational programs and activities.

8.16 / Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking Policy for Students
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
Modest updating with most occurring within the appeals section.

20.08 / Workforce, Professional & Community Education
Effective Date: March 25, 2016 (Replaces former Section 20.08 / Conferences)
To ensure the most cost-effective use of University resources and staff time, and to ensure University activities appropriately and consistently reflect the University's mission.

20.24 / Designating University Title IX Coordinators and Associate Coordinators
Revision Date: March 25, 2016
To update language as a result of adopting Sections 3.06 and 8.16, and to add Natasha Stephens as Title IX Coordinator and Linnea GlenMaye as Associate Coordinator.

5.05 / Faculty Sabbatical Leave
Revision Date: March 18, 2016
To advance the date applicants are informed of University action on sabbatical leave requests to the third Friday in January from the second Friday in February.

4.16 / Tenure, Promotion, Professor Incentive Review and Post-Tenure Review Calendar
Revision Date: January 19, 2016
To advance the deadline for inclusion of letters from external reviewers to the fourth Friday in September from the fourth Friday in October.

3.06 / Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, Relationship Violence and Stalking Policy for Employees and Visitors
Effective Date: January 8, 2016 (Replaces former Section 3.06 / Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, including Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence)
To include all requirements under Title IX and Violence Against Women Act for prevention and response to incidents of sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking.

3.07 / Sexual Assault
Rescission Date: January 8, 2016
New Section 3.06 includes content formerly included here.

3.13 / Benefits Applicable to Eligible University Employees
Effective Date: December 9, 2015
To make policy guidance inclusive of benefits for all employee classes to the extent practicable (faculty sabbatical leave addressed separately).

5.05 / Faculty Sabbatical Leave
Effective Date: December 9, 2015
To separately address faculty sabbatical leave.

The following sections were rescinded with the adoption of Sections 3.13 and 5.05:

3.13 / Benefits Applicable to University Employees (replaced by the above)
5.01 / Retirement (faculty)
5.05 / Types of Leave (faculty)
6.08 / Types of Leave (unclassified professional employees)
6.09 / Retirement (unclassified professional employees)
6.10 / Benefits (unclassified professional employees)
7.08 / Types of Leave (university support staff)
7.16 / Retirement (university support staff)
7.17 / Benefits (university support staff)

3.01 / Affirmative Action Plan
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To update protected class information and remove references to employee classification.

3.19 / Prohibition of Retaliation
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To define retaliation for purposes of this policy and supply contact information for reporting complaints of retaliatory actions against or by a student, employee or visitor.

3.43 / Tuition Assistance Program for Spouses and Dependent Children
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To specify all enrollment defined in this policy must be at 成人头条, and to remove the requirement that applications be cosigned by employee's department head for verification of eligibility.

7.02 / University Job Listings
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To specify computer access and assistance is available at the Office of Human Resources during normal business hours.

7.05 / Employment in University Support Staff Positions (formerly Appointment to University Support Staff)
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To replace "appointment" with "employment" and remove references to demotion, salary increases and other topics not related to being hired.

7.06 / Promotion and Transfer of University Support Staff
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To update content to match nondiscrimination statement and remove demotion content (demotion will be addressed separately).

8.11 / Prohibiting Sexual Harassment of Students
Rescission Date: December 9, 2015
New Section 8.16, approved September 11, 2015, includes content formerly included here.

11.21 / Issuance of Criminal Trespass Orders
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To update the process for issuing criminal trespass orders and specify the appeal process.

13.02 / Border City Travel
Effective Date: December 9, 2015
To set forth policy and define responsibility for border city travel expenses incurred by employees.

19.01 / Acceptable Use (computing and information technology resources)
Revision Date: December 9, 2015
To remove termination of enrollment as a trigger for terminating account access.

2.08 / Posthumous Degrees
Revision Date: November 4, 2015
To specify an undergraduate student must be degree-seeking.

8.16 / Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking Policy for Students
Effective Date: September 11, 2015 (Replaces former Section 8.16 / Sexual Assault)
To include all requirements under Title IX and Violence Against Women Act for prevention and response to incidents of sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking involving students as respondents, and to align with national best practices.

1.04 / Execution of Contracts
Revision Date: July 8, 2015
To add the General Counsel to the individuals authorized to contractually bind the university by the execution of a contract.