February 23, 2023

Dr. Nina Kraus - Music, Aging, & the Sound Mind 

Below is a link to a recording of the talk given by Dr. Nina Kraus as part of our Music, Health, and Aging: Conversations and Colloquium series. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the first 10 minutes of our recording are missing. However, here is a brief synopsis of what Dr. Kraus discussed during the first few minutes of her talk. Dr. Kraus talked about her website  where she documents her various research interests and endeavors relating to sound and the brain. She then described her personal journey behind her academic interests and pursuits before diving into how meaningful sound impacts our brain, how sound works, and how our hearing brain and environment shape each other.

Event Flyer for Dr. Kraus

October 21, 2022

Dr. Judy Edworthy - Music, Health and Aging

Event Flyer - Dr. Judy Edworthy's talk