Economics Bites on the Go
The Department of Economics and the Institute for the Study of Economic Growth are
starting a virtual talk series called "Economics Bites on the Go." The aim is to provide
成人头条 State students an opportunity to interact with top-tier fun economists.
Each talk lasts 1 hour. For the first 20 minutes, our 成人头条 State professor Siyu
Wang asks stimulating and surprising questions that provoke the guest speaker into
a deep examinations of their work and how they see the world. Then guest speaker has
20 minutes to summarize their life-long research in the briefest manner. The last
20 minutes is Q&A time, with students and professors interacting with the guest speaker
and asking any questions they have in mind.

Interested in joining? Click the during the scheduled talk time on Zoom. Look for Meeting ID & Passcode on the poster.
Questions? Email

Guest Speaker: Dr. Qihong Liu
March 25th, 2022 12 to 1 PM
Qihong LIU is a Professor of Economics at University of Oklahoma. He received his
Ph.D. in Economics from SUNY Stony Brook in 2003. His main research areas are Industrial Organization and Applied Micro, with current
research focusing on platforms and two-sided markets, airlines and pricing. He has
published in journals including Review of Economics and Statistics, Strategic Management Journal, Marketing Science,
European Economic Review, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian Journal
of Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economics
& Management Strategy, Journal of Industrial Economics. His research has been featured in Bloomberg, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Insider Higher Ed, Kellogg Insight, MorningStar and Wall Street Journal. He is an Associate Editor of Information Economics and Policy and serves on the Editorial Board of Marketing Science and Journal of Media Economics. He is currently the President-Elect of Chinese Economists Society (2021-2022), and
was a Special Issue Guest Editor for China Economic Review.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Ying Yang
April 15th, 2022 12 to 1 pm
Dr. Ying Yang is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Iowa. She holds a Ph.D. in
Marketing from the University of Houston. Motivated by her own working experience
in sales, she studies sales force compensation and marketing strategies. Her research
combines theoretical game theory and behavioral economics, aiming to understand the
motivation of sales force and to derive optimal strategy recommendations. She has
published in Journal of Marketing Research, Quantitative Marketing and Economics and
Marketing Letters. She teaches Marketing Research and Professional Selling and serves
as the faculty advisor for the Sales & Consulting Club at Tippie.