
The College of Engineering at WSU sponsors and hosts Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (IGED), a national event commonly known as Girl Day, each February during National Engineers Week. This year's event was postponed due to weather and has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 30 from 9:45 am to 2 pm. Like in all years past, it will take place in the WSU Rhatigan Student Center (third floor).

Connecting Students With STEM

The purpose of an annual Girl Day is to increase gender equality and support diversity within the STEM fields. The students participate in hands-on STEM activities, listen to inspirational speakers and meet people from the engineering and computing industries, including professionals, WSU faculty and students. There will also be an industry fair featuring companies from STEM fields. 

2024 Event Highlights


High School Students


Of Seniors Who Attended the Event Ultimately Pursued Engineering at WSU


Collegiate and Professional Mentors

IGED Mentors
IGED Mentors
IGED Attendees
STEM Activity
IGED Attendees
Dean Muscat Speaking


Event Schedules

Event Schedule for Participants
9:45 am (Ends at 10:15 am) Check-In Rhatigan Student Center, Third Floor
9:45 to 10 am Fishbowl Icebreaker Beggs Ballroom
10 to 10:10 am Get to Know You Icebreaker Beggs Ballroom
10:15 to 10:20 am Dean's Welcome Beggs Ballroom
10:20 to 10:40 am Breakfast Keynote - Ashley Bland Beggs Ballroom
10:40 to 11 am College of Engineering Session Beggs Ballroom
11 to 11:05 am Travel  
11:05 am to 12:05 pm Opportunity Fair Rhatigan Student Center, Second Floor
12:05 to 12:10 pm Travel  
12:10 to 12:30 pm Lunch Beggs Ballroom
12:30 to 12:50 pm Lunch Keynote - Andrea Navarro-Evans Beggs Ballroom
12:50 to 1:40 pm Ambassadors' Long Activity Beggs Ballroom
1:40 to 1:50 pm Surveys and Prizes Beggs Ballroom
1:50 to 2 pm Conclusion and Release Beggs Ballroom
Event Schedule for Mentors
9:15 to 9:30 am Check-In Rhatigan Student Center, Third Floor
9:30 to 9:40 am Event Briefing Beggs Ballroom
9:45 to 10:15 am Welcome Participants Beggs Ballroom
9:45 to 10 am Fishbowl Icebreaker Beggs Ballroom
10 to 10:10 am Get to Know You Icebreaker Beggs Ballroom
10:15 to 10:20 am Dean's Welcome Beggs Ballroom
10:20 to 10:40 am Breakfast Keynote - Ashley Bland Beggs Ballroom
10:40 to 11 am College of Engineering Session Beggs Ballroom
11 to 11:05 am Break Until 11:15 am  
11:05 am to 12:05 pm Collegiate/Professional Mentor Networking Beggs Ballroom
12:05 to 12:10 pm Break  
12:10 to 12:30 pm Lunch Beggs Ballroom
12:30 to 12:50 pm Lunch Keynote - Andrea Navarro-Evans Beggs Ballroom
12:50 to 1:40 pm Ambassadors' Long Activity Beggs Ballroom
1:40 to 1:50 pm Surveys and Prizes Beggs Ballroom
1:50 to 2 pm Conclusion and Release Beggs Ballroom
Event Schedule for Volunteers
10:15 to 10:20 am Opportunity Fair Check-In Rhatigan Student Center, Second Floor
10:20 to 11:05 am Table Setup Rhatigan Student Center, Second Floor
11:05 am to 12:05 pm Opportunity Fair Rhatigan Student Center, Second Floor
12:05 to 12:30 pm Table Teardown Rhatigan Student Center, Second Floor

Frequently Asked Questions


What do I wear?

Wear comfortable attire for sitting and mild activity throughout the day. A shirt will be provided for all mentors and participants to wear that day, either to change into or throw over your clothes.

What happens throughout the day?

Mentors will guide participants throughout STEM activities, ice breakers, an opportunity fair, and inspirational keynote speeches.

Where should I park on the day of?

Participants who are driving themselves, mentors, and volunteers may park in Lot 24 & 25 on the south side of 17th Street, across from Fairmount Steet.

Who is invited?

Any engineering or computing professional can register to mentor. Participants must be freshman-seniors attending any high school in 成人头条 or its surrounding areas.

What kinds of engineering will be represented?

The College of Engineering at 成人头条 State represents seven departments, including Aerospace Engineering, Applied Engineering (environmental, process, automation), Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial, Systems and Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and the School of Computing. These will be what is primarily represented, but there may be a few other specialties represented by individual mentors or companies.

Who is mentoring?

IGED is mentored by local professionals working in the engineering and computing fields, as well as students or professors from the College of Engineering at 成人头条 State.

What is provided to all mentors and participants?

A light breakfast and boxed lunch are provided for all mentors and participants, as well as a t-shirt. Participants will also receive an IGED tote bag and have the opportunity to grab other swag throughout the day.

What is the purpose of this event?

This event is meant to foster and inspire a passion for engineering and computing in high schoolers who have no connection to STEM or to strengthen the passion in those who are already considering an educational journey in the STEM field.

Why Is Girl Day Important?


Statistic about attendees who choose engineering after this event.

Census data saying 15% of all engineers in the US are women in 2019.


Questions or Want to Get Involved?

Registration for the 2025 event is now open, and you may select the appropriate link below. General questions may be sent to IGED@wichita.edu