Incomplete Grades
The Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee proposes that the following definition
of an incomplete grade be adopted and included in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs:
Used in exceptional cases where a student is unable to complete coursework, due to
circumstances beyond his/her control. The student must have successfully completed
a majority of the work.
The Committee also recommends the following policy change regarding incomplete grades:
That the timeframe for completing coursework for a grade of I be changed to one year after the I grade is given.
Present Policy:
An incomplete course must be satisfactorily completed by the end of the next semester
in which the student enrolls, summer excluded, or the I reverts automatically to an
In addition, the committee requests that the Registrar provide the following options,
supported by Banner, to instructors when assigning an I grade:
1. The option to enter an amended due date, giving the student more or less time
to complete the work, within the one year completion time allotted.
2. The option to enter a default grade, which the student will be given if they do
not complete the work by the given date. (Faculty will submit a change of grade form
for students who do complete the work, as in the current practice. If the instructor
has not indicated a default grade, the I will become an F if the work has not been
completed by the given date.)