Watkins Visiting Professors
See below for upcoming and past Watkins speakers. All talks are free and open to the
public. For information on visitor parking, please check out our Parking Services website.
Spring 2024:

Dr. Bill DeGrado
University of California San Francisco, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
De novo protein design (Public Lecture)
Monday, April 15 at 3:30 pm in Hubbard 208
Use of integrin antagonists to disrupt pathological mechanical force-dependent processes
in fibrosis and severe asthma (Scientific Lecture)
Tuesday, April 16 at 3:30 pm in McKinley 224
Past Speakers:
Douglas Emlen, University of Montana (Feb. 12-13)
Sarah Hart, Birckbeck University and Gresham College (Nov. 8-9)
Vamsi Mootha, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital (Oct. 26-27)
Gregory Fuchs, Cornell University (Oct. 3-4)
Sarah Wallace, NASA Johnson Space Center (Mar. 27-28)
Netta Engelhardt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Apr. 6-7)
Guy A. Caldwell, University of Alabama (Mar. 2-3)
Carlo Rovelli, Aix-Marseille University, France (Apr. 27-28)
Arik Kershenbaum, University of Cambridge (Sept. 27-29)
Patrick Holland, Yale University (Mar. 18-19)
Fraser Stoddart, Northwestern University (Oct. 17)
Joshua Wand, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Apr. 10-11)
Stan Brodsky, Stanford University (Nov. 13-14)
Ellen T. Matloff, My Gene Counsel (Mar. 6-7)
Donna Nelson, University of Oklahoma (Mar. 16-17)
Martin Weisskopf, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Oct. 31-Nov. 1)
Brenda Ekwurzel, Union of Concerned Scientists Climate and Energy Program (Apr. 27-28)
Vicki Childers, National Geodetic Survey Observation and Analysis Division (Apr. 27-29)
Richard Gustafson, LIGO Hanford Observatory (May 3-4)
Brian Kuhlman, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Nov. 9-10)
Steve Dye, Hawaii Pacific University (Nov. 15-16)
Les Johnson, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (Apr. 22-23)
Neil L. Kelleher, Northwestern University (Nov. 9-10)
Steve Padgette, Monsanto Company (Oct. 28-29)
Michael Hendry, Centers for Disease Control Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (Mar. 25-26)
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign (Nov. 4-5)
Kathryn Levin, James Franck Institute of the University of Chicago (Mar. 6-7)
Andrew H. Knoll, Harvard University Botanical Museum (Mar. 30-31)
Rong Li, Stowers Institute for Medical Reearch and the University of Kansas School of Medicine (Nov. 6-7)
Andrea Gore, University of Texas at Austin (Sept. 26-27)
David A. Tirrell, California Institute of Technology (Nov. 7-8)
David L. Vesely, James A. Haley VA Hospital (Sept. 20-21)
James W. Cronin, University of Chicago and the Pierre Auger Observatory (Oct. 6-7)
Michael Graetzel, Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (Oct. 28)
Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Penn State University (Feb. 26-27)
Warren E. Pickett, University of California - Davis (Apr. 27-28)
Ray Callaway, University of Montana (Sept. 21-22)
Roland Winston, University of California - Merced (Oct. 7-8)
Mark Johnson, Yale University (Oct. 29-30)
Lisa Morgan, U.S. Geological Survey (Dec. 2-3)
Lou Guillette, University of Florida (Feb. 6-8)
Francis Halzen, University of Wisconsin - Madison (Mar. 4-5)
Don Lamb, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Sept. 11-15)
David Toft, Mayo Clinic (Oct. 29-30)
Fraser Stoddart, Northwestern University (Nov. 11-12)
Massimo Pigliucci, SUNY - Stony Brook (Feb. 26-27)
Devens Gust, Arizona State University (Mar. 6-7)
Randy Olson, Filmmaker (May 7)
Naida Loskutoff, Henry Doorly Zoo Center for Conservationa and Research (Oct. 16-17)
Ken Raymond, University of California - Berkeley (Oct. 30-31)
William Wooters, Williams College (Mar. 9-10)
Suzanne Walker, Harvard University (Apr. 20-21)
Betty Eipper, University of Connecticut Health Center (Oct. 12-13)
Rick Karban, University of California - Davis (Nov. 2-3)
Maria Spiropulu, University of Chicago (Jan. 26-27)
Clyde C. Snow, University of Oklahoma (Apr. 28-29)
Ford Doolittle, Dalhousie University (Sept. 20-21)
John Horner, Museum of the Rockies (Feb. 3-4)
Davy Kirkpatrick, California Institute of Technology (Mar. 10-11)
Ricki Lewis, Author (Oct. 14-15)
Mark Wightman, University of North Carolina (Oct. 22-23)
Judith Totman Parrish, University of Arizona - Tucson (Feb. 4-6)
Arthur Epstein, Ohio State University (Mar. 4-5)
Nancy and Jerry Jaax, Kansas State University (Apr. 11-12)
Stuart Sealfon, Mount Sinai School of Medicine (Oct. 7)
Gary Brudvig, Yale University (Oct. 8-9)
Mario Capecchi, University of Utah School of Medicine (Feb. 11-13)
Pat Higgins, University of Alabama (Mar. 29-30)
Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology (Sept. 26)
Niles Eldrege, American Museum of Natural History (Oct. 8-11)
Michael Gross, Washington University Center for Biomedical and Bioorganic Mass Spectrometry (Oct. 23-26)
Alan Feduccia, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (Oct. 31-Nov. 1)
George Gokel, Washington University School of Medicine (Nov. 27-30)
Richard Holm, Harvard University (Mar. 1)
Robert Dorit, Yale University (Mar. 2-3)
Sheila Tobias, Author (Apr. 6)
Roger Giese, Northwestern University (Oct. 23)
Dennis Dougherty, California Institute of Technology (Nov. 6-7)
William Rathje, University of Arizona - Tucson(Mar. 15)
Inder Verma, Salk Institute (Apr. 21-22)
Robert Ballard, Institute for Exploration (Sept. 28)
Colleen Cavanaugh, Harvard University (Oct. 13-14)
Peter Glynn, University of Miami (Nov. 8-11)
Robert M. Bigsby, Indiana University School of Medicine (Mar. 20-21)
Theo Colborn, World Wildlife Fund (Mar. 20-21)
Robert J. Kavlock, National Health & Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (Mar. 20-21)
Dolores Lamb, Baylor College of Medicine (Mar. 20-21)
Daniel M. Sheehan, National Center for Toxicological Research (Mar. 20-21)
Ana M. Soto, Tufts University School of Medicine (Mar. 20-21)
Frederick S. vom Saal, University of Missouri (Mar. 20-21)
H. Leon Bradlow, Rockefeller University (Mar. 29)
Robert Bigsby, Indiana University School of Medicine (Apr. 20)
Jean-Michel Cousteau, Ocean Futures Society (Sept. 22)
Gerald Babcock, Michigan State University (Nov. 5)
James Norris, Jr., University of Chicago (Nov. 5)
Rienk van Grondelle, Vrije Universiteit - Amsterdam (Nov. 5)
Fred MacKenzie, University of Hawaii (Mar. 1)
Richard Alley, Pennsylvania State University (Mar. 11-13)
Robert Berner, Yale University (Apr. 16-17)
Daniel B. Botkin, George Mason University (Apr. 28-29)
Julius Rebek, Jr., Scripps Research Institute (Nov. 3-4)
Robert Ginsburg, University of Miami (Dec. 2-3)
Luther Williams, National Science Foundation (Feb. 1)
Keith Solomon, University of Guelph (Feb. 20-21)
Leroy Hood, University of Washington (Mar. 5-6)
Arnold Arons, University of Washington (Apr. 1-2)
Sheila Tobias, Author (Apr. 1)
James F. Crow, University of Wisconsin (Jan. 31-Feb. 1)
William R. Hendee, Medical College of Wisconsin (Mar. 6-8)
William Lipscomb, Jr., Harvard University (Apr. 3-5)
Eric Olson, University of Texas (Apr. 1)
Yvonne C. Martin, Abbott Laboratories (Apr. 1)
George McClendon, Princeton University (Oct. 1)
Leland Chung, Anderson Cancer Center (Apr. 16)
Randy Eisensmith, Baylor College of Medicine (Apr. 16)
Jack Gorski, University of Wisconsin - Madison (Apr. 16)
Steve Hanks, Vanderbuilt University (Apr. 16)
Jonathan Li, University of Kansas Medical Center (Apr. 16)
John McLachlan, Tulane University (Apr. 16)
Robert Bakker, University of Colorado (Apr. 19)
Buddy D. Ratner, University of Washington (Apr. 26-28)
Jonathon Sessler, University of Texas (Oct. 4-6)
Peter G. Wolynes, University of Illinois (Feb. 22-24)
Ruth Hubbard, Harvard University (Mar. 16)
Evan R. Simpson, University of Texas (Apr. 1)
Allen Krantz, Syntex Research Cananda (Apr. 27-29)
Martin Karplus, Harvard University (May 4-6)
Herbert Hauptman, Medical Foundation of Buffalo (Oct. 11-13)
Niles Eldredge, American Museum of Natural History (Oct. 13)
Barry L. Karger, Northeastern University (Nov. 2-4)
Garland Marshall, Washington University (Apr. 7-9)
Ronald Borchardt, University of Kansas (Apr. 21-23)
Linda Powers, Utah State University (Apr. 27-29)
Joan Selverstone Valentine, University of California - Los Angeles (Oct. 27-29)
Elias Greenbaum, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Jan. 28-30)
Richard Wolfenden, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill (Mar. 5-7)
Thomas Spelsberg, May Clinic (Apr. 9-10)
Willem Johan Kolff, University of Utah (Sep. 3-5)
Melvin Berger, Case Western Reserve University (Oct. 25)
Mario Capecchi, University of Utah School of Medicine (Oct. 25)
Geoffrey Cooper, Dana-Farber Cancer Center (Oct. 25)
Ron Crystal, National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (Oct. 25)
Kenneth Culver, National Cancer Institute (Oct. 25)
David Galas, Keck Graduate Institute (Oct. 25)
Haig Kazazian, University of Pennsylvania (Oct. 25)
David Schlessinger, National Institute of Aging (Oct. 25)
George Todaro, University of Washington - Department of Pathobiology
Alexander Pines, University of California - Berkeley (Jan. 29-31)
Alastair Ian Scott, Texas A&M University (Mar. 26-28)
Carl Djerassi, Stanford University (Apr. 17-18)
Loren Acton, Montana State University (May 1-3)
Stephen J. Gould, Harvard University (Oct. 23)
Laurence Hurley, University of Texas at Austin (Dec. 4-6)
Theodore Kuwana, University of Kansas (Feb. 21-23)
Ivar Giaever, Rensselelaer Polytechnic Institute (Mar. 20-22)
Dolores Lamb, Baylor College of Medicine (Mar. 21)
Joachim Liehr, University of Texas Medical Branch (Apr. 29)
Daryle Busch, University of Kansas (Oct. 17-19)
Bert O'Malley, Baylor College of Medicine (Dec. 12-13)
Gregorio Weber, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Mar. 21-23)
W. Wallace Cleland, University of Wisconsin - Madison (Apr. 12-14)
Daniel Rich, University of Wisconsin - Madison (Apr. 18-20)
Jane Goodall, Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research (Apr. 21)
Edward Balish, University of South Carolina (Sep. 19-20)
Paul Lauterbur, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Oct. 18-20)
Franklin Stahl, University of Oregon (Nov. 7-9)
Paul Bartlett, University of California - Berkeley (Mar. 24-26)
Paul Licht, University of California - Berkeley (Apr. 21-23)
Tom Mabry, University of Texas at Austin (Sep. 30-Oct. 2)
Robert Knox, University of Rochester (Nov. 16-18)
P.H.A. Sneath, Leicester University (Apr. 21-22, 24)
G.P. Talwar, International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (Oct. 5, 8-9)
Gunther Eichhorn, National Institutes of Health (Oct. 25)
Brian Hoffman, Northwestern University (Apr. 8-9)
Franklin Hutchinson, Yale University (Aug. 20)
Leroy Hood, California Institute of Technology (Sep. 15)
Nathan Kaplan, Unviersity of California (Mar. 27)
I.C. Gunsaulus, University of Illinois (Apr. 10)
Melvin Calvin, University of California - Berkeley (Nov. 11-13)
William Blumberg, Bell Laboratories (Nov. 30-Dec. 2)
John Hopfield, Princeton University (Feb. 1)
Donald Crothers, Yale University (Mar. 19, 22-23)
Erwin Chargaff, Columbia University (Oct. 20-Nov. 1)
Jane Kaltenbach, Mount Holyoke College (Apr. 20)
Frank Brown, Jr., Marine Biological Lab (Apr. 24)
Elmer Green, Menninger Foundation (May 1)
Harry Gray, California Institute of Technology (Dec. 4-6)