Major & Minor (French)

Requirements for Specialization in French

A specialization in French consists of a minimum of 33 credit hours beyond Intermediate French 204 (3 cr. hrs.)/French 210 (5 cr. hrs.) or its equivalent, and must include the following courses or their equivalents:

  • MCLL 351, Linguistics and Foreign Languages (3);
  • FREN 223, Intermediate Readings I (3);
  • FREN 300, Intermediate Readings II (3);
  • FREN 324, Intermediate Conversation and Composition (3);
  • FREN 526, Advanced Composition and Grammar (3);
  • FREN 551 [the Middle Ages to Restoration] or 552 [Contemporary] French Civilization (3).

In addition, 15 hours must be selected from courses numbered above 500. No fewer than 9 hours must be literature. It is strongly recommended that students specializing in French take courses in related fields such as other foreign languages, art history, English, history and philosophy.

Students who plan to teach French (PreK-12) should consult early with Dr. Brigitte Roussel at
For details call us at (316) 978-3180.

Requirements for a French Minor

A minor in French consists of a minimum of 12 credit hours beyond FREN 204/FREN 210 and must include
FREN 223, 300, 324 and one upper-division French course numbered 500 or above.

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