Summer 2023 Course Offerings in Puebla
SPAN 220 - Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Composition - 3 credit hours
Review of all major tenses in Spanish and the three moods (indicative, subjunctive, imperative); in-depth exploration of structural elements of the language including pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and comparisons; special emphasis on written Spanish through composition writing. As grammar review, this course differs in approach and pace from -210. Prerequisite(s): or qualifying score on departmental placement exam (score remains valid one year from date of exam).
Instructor: Julie Henderson
SPAN 323 - Selected Spanish Readings - 3 credit hours
General education humanities course. Intensive reading of Latin-American and Spanish literary works. Also includes outside
readings and reports. Course satisfies the LAS literature requirement. Prerequisite(s): , or three units of high school Spanish, or departmental consent.
Instructor: Dr. Cuitl谩huac Ch谩vez
SPAN 325 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation - 3 credit hours
Conversation with Puebla escorts during visits to places of interest in the city of Puebla
Instructor: Dr. Cuitl谩huac Ch谩vez
SPAN 525 - Advanced Spanish Conversation - 3 credit hours
Conversation with Puebla escorts during visits to places of interest in the city.
Instructor: Dr. Cuitl谩huac Ch谩vez
SPAN 526 - Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition - 3 credit hours
Instructor: Dr. Cuitl谩huac Ch谩vez
SPAN 557 鈥 Principles of Translation and Interpreting - 3 credits hours
Instructor: Julie Henderson
SPAN 805 - Directed Readings. Graduate standing and instructor consent required. 1-4 credit hours
Instructor: Dr. Cuitl谩huac Ch谩vez
Conversation Classes
A unique feature of the WSU Summer Program in Puebla is the effort we make to put
you in contact with the people of Puebla. We do not expect you to assume the full
responsibility for getting acquainted with poblanos, something which is very difficult
for most foreigners to accomplish.
Rather, we bring the poblanos to you during your conversation class. We have two types of local conversation instructors: acompa帽antes and directores de conversaci贸n. The acompa帽antes escort you to places of interest and talk to you in Spanish for an hour and a half each day. Afterwards, the directores de conversaci贸n eat lunch with you while conversing with you in Spanish for another full hour. What better classroom could you have than the city of Puebla shown and explained to you by the poblanos themselves? Do your best to participate and watch your improvement as the days go by.
Questions? Contact Dr. Chavez at