Bilingual Option

A specialization in two languages (bilingual option) consists of 12 hours of each language beyond FREN 204, GERM 204, LATN106 or SPAN 204.

In addition, students choosing the bilingual option must complete MCLL 351 (Linguistics and Foreign Languages), and one of the following courses: LING 151 (Nature of Language), or LING/FREN/SPAN 635 (Introduction to Romance Linguistics: option available to students who choose French, Latin or Spanish as one of their languages).

Students must also complete 3 language-related elective hours from MCLL, Options for these hours include transfer credit, FREN/GERM/LATN/SPAN 398 (Travel Seminar), LING 151 or LING/FREN/SPAN 635 (whichever of these has not already been taken to fulfill the distribution requirement), LING 651/MCLL 651 (Language and Culture), a workshop, a special- or directed-studies course, a literature course, or a teaching option.


12 credit hours of Language A beyond 204 or beyond Latin 106
12 credit hours of Language B beyond 210 or beyond Latin 106
MCLL 351 (3 credit hours)
LING 151 or LING/FREN/SPAN 635 (3 credit hours)
Language-related elective course (3 credit hours)
Total Earned Credit Hours = 33 credit hours

Distribution requirements:

German: at least two of the following four: GERM 300, 344, 524 and 526.

Latin: at least two courses at the 500 level.

French and Spanish: at least one 300 level and one 500 level course, or two 500 level courses.


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