
The business of the arts is changing dramatically, and arts organizations need leaders and executives who are trained in both the creation of arts, the leadership challenges the arts face, and the day to day management skills that are so often ignored. The Masters in Arts Leadership is a fully online program designed for executives, administrators, and leaders in non-profit arts organizations. The program will be divided into two categories: Leadership and Management.

Leadership coursesteach the techniques of leadership focused around the adaptive challenges the arts face. This portion of the curriculum helps the arts leaders of tomorrow make progress on the difficult challenges the arts face today. Management coursesin the degree focus on day to day management skills all arts executives need like strategic planning, fundraising, and audience development.

Graduates of the Masters in Arts Leadership and Management Degree will be prepared to hold executive positions in symphonies, galleries, museums, theaters, performing venues, and various other arts organizations.

Our Faculty

Courses are taught by full-time faculty members within the university as well professionals in non-profit arts organizations around the country.

Application Process

Admission to the MA in arts leadership and management degree program requires a minimum 3.00 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) on all previously completed undergraduate and graduate coursework. Prospective students must apply to the Graduate School. A completed graduate school application packet will include:

  • Graduate School application
  • Application fee
  • Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges/universities
  • Interview with member of the Arts Leadership Faculty
  • Contact information for two professional references

International graduate students must meet the Graduate School requirements as outlined in that section of the Graduate Catalog.

Upon receipt of a complete application packet, the College will review and make an admission recommendation. Applicants will be admitted for fall and spring terms only. Priority deadlines for submitting applications to the Graduate School are July 15 for consideration for fall admission and December 1 for spring admission. International applicants living outside the United States must submit their applications by April 1 for fall admission consideration and August 1 for spring admission consideration. Applicants who apply after these deadlines may be considered for admission in the selected term or have their application deferred to the following term.