The Purpose of the Academy of Effective Teaching

The purpose for the Academy of Effective Teaching is to recognize the importance of effective teaching to the successful education of the students and, thus, to the mission of the university. To this end we are devoted to fostering effective teaching by assisting in the development of good teachers and the rewarding of accomplished teachers.

Members of the Academy assist at orientation programs for new faculty, other teaching professionals, and graduate teaching assistants. They also offer confidential mentoring on request.

The Academy also supports seminars that focus on teaching and learning strategies. Faculty and G.T.A.s from all disciplines share resources, techniques, and experiences that promote effective teaching and successful learning.


Three to six new members are added to the Academy each year. An elected eight-person steering committee guides the work of the Academy. The activities are facilitated by the Office of Academic Affairs.

The members of the Academy for Effective Teaching are honored retired emeritus faculty from all colleges on campus.  View list of AET Charter Members and View a list of recent AET Membership


The full list of AET Membership can be found below:

A - C



  • Paul Ackerman (2018)
  • Anneke Allen - Chemistry (Deceased)
  • Robert D. Alley - Curriculum and Instruction


  • Sue Bair - Health and Physical Education
  • Prem N. Bajaj - Mathematics and Statistics
  • Linda Bakken - Counseling, Education and School Psychology
  • Marcus T. Ballenger - Curriculum and Instruction
  • John A. Belt - Management
  • Tina Bennett (2016)
  • Lloyd M. Benningfield - Electrical Engineering (Deceased)
  • Nancy Bereman - Management
  • Dorothy K. Billings - Anthropology
  • Harrison Boughton - School of Music
  • Barbara E. Bowman - Biological Sciences
  • John B. Breazeale - Dean of Faculties (Deceased)
  • Jeneva J. Brewer - Mathematics and Statistics (Deceased)
  • Clark Britton - School of Art and Design
  • Christopher Brooks (2018)
  • Patricia Bunton (2018)
  • Kenneth W. Burk - Communication Sciences and Disorders (Deceased)
  • Donald Byrum - School of art and Design


  • Jo Lynne Campbell - Medical Lab Sciences
  • Joyce Cavarozzi - Performing Arts
  • James J. Ceasar - School of Music (Deceased)
  • Ronald W. Christ - Art & Design
  • Sylvia J. Coats (2015)
  • Joseph C. Combs - School of Music
  • Donald L. Corbett - School of Music
  • Kathy Coufal (2018)        
  • Andrew J. Craig - Aerospace Engineering
  • Delores Craig-Moreland - Community Affairs
  • Dorothy E. Crum - Music



  • Gayle R. Davis - Women's Studies
  • Jay C. Decker - School of Music
  • Orpha K. Duell - Administration, Counseling, Education and School Psychology
  • James Duram - History


  • Mary P. Edgington - Computer Science
  • Howard E. Ellis - College of Fine Arts (Deceased)
  • Randolph A. Ellsworth (2015)


  • David N. Farnsworth - Political Science
  • Glenn Fisher - Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs
  • Mary Sue Foster (2018)
  • Raymond Fox - Biological Sciences (Deceased)



George H. Gibson - School of Music

Keith Graham - Communication Sciences and Disorders (Deceased)

Gary Greenberg - Psychology

Alvin L. Gregg - English

Mahesh Greywall - Mechanical Engineering

Kathryn P. Griffith - Political Science (Deceased)

Anthony Gythiel - History and English (Deceased)


Charles G. Halcomb - Psychology

Geraldine E. Hammond - English (Deceased)

Deborah Hansen Soles (2017)

James L. Hardy - School of Music (Deceased)

Kathy Irene Harris Strattman (2017)

John J. Hartman - Sociology (Deceased)

Jeanine Hathaway - English

Donna Hawley-Wolfe (2016)

Randall B. Haydon - Economics

Dean Headley (2019)

James C. Ho - Physics

Barbara Hodson (2016)

Lowell D. Holmes - Anthropology (Deceased)

Walter J. Horn (2015)

Elmer A. Hoyer - Computer and Electrical Engineering

Bobbye Humphrey - School of Social Work

Ann P. Hunter (2019)

Bernice Hutcherson - School of Social Work



Phyllis Jacobs - School of Nursing

Claradine Johnson - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Everett Johnson - Electrical and Computer Engineering (Deceased)




Vernon Keel 鈥 Elliott School of Communications

Donald G. Killian - Mathematics and Statistics

Bela Kiralyfalvi - Performing Arts

Robert Knapp 鈥 Psychology

Mary L. Koehn (2017)

Carol W. Konek - Women's Studies

John H. Koppenhaver - Modern and Classical Languages and Literature

Susan Kovar - Kinesiology and Sport Studies

Susan Kruger - School of Nursing


Marvis J. Lary - Physician Assistant Program

Gerald D. Loper - Physics


Abu S. M. Masud (2017)

William E. Mathis - College of Fine Art

Ronald R. Matson (2019)

Phillip May - Accountancy

James W. McKenney - Political Science (Deceased)

Louis Medvene (2018)

Greg Meissen (2018)

Mira E. Merriman - School of Art and Design (Deceased)

Kenneth Miller (2016)

Lori Miller - Sport Management

Nancy C. Millett - Curriculum and Instruction

Victoria A. Mosack (2019)

Eunice Myers (2016)

Walter J. Myers - College of Fine Arts


Don W. Nance (2015)

Audrey Needles - Performing Arts (Deceased)





  • Larry Paarmann - Electrical and Computing Engineering
  • Gerald H. Paske - Philosophy
  • Charles Pearson - Elliott School of Communications (Deceased)
  • Sandra K. Peer (Deceased)
  • William M. Perel - Mathematics and Statistics (Deceased)
  • Martin Perline 
  • Maurice Pfannestiel - Economics
  • Harold A. Popp - Music



  • Teresa S. Radebaugh (2015)
  • Janice M. Riordan - School of Nursing
  • Clayton Robarcheck - Anthropology
  • Ben F. Rogers - Philosophy
  • Robert H. Ross (2019)


  • Eugene Savaiano - Modern and Classical Languages and Literature (Deceased)
  • Mahmoud Edwin Sawan 鈥 Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Robert Schrag - Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Doug Sharp - W. Frank Barton School of Business (Deceased)
  • Martha Shawver - School Nursing
  • Frances Shelly (2018)
  • Twyla Sherman - Curriculum and Instruction
  • Nicholas Smith (2016)
  • Melvin H. Snyder - Aerospace Engineering (Deceased)
  • Nancy Snyder (2016)
  • David Soles (2017)
  • Elaine Steinke (2018)
  • Betty A. Sullivan - Nursing
  • Arthur B. Sweney - Management



  • Juanita Tate 鈥 School Nursing
  • Phillip D. Thomas - History
  • William Thomson - School of Music
  • Helen J. Throckmorton - English
  • Richard Todd - History


  • William E. Unrau - History


  • Phillip G. Wahlbeck - Chemistry
  • Betty Welsbacher - School of Music (Deceased)
  • Richard C. Welsbacher - School of Performing Arts
  • William Wentz - Aerospace Engineering and Executive Director of NIAR
  • Russell D. Widener (2019)
  • Keith Williamson - Elliott School of Communication
  • John H. Wilson - Curriculum and Instruction
  • Donald Wineke - English
  • James A. Wolff (2019)
  • William F. Woods (2015)


  • Catherine G. Yeotis - Curriculum and Instruction
  • Paul York - Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Vernon Yenne - School of Music


In the Fall Semester of each year, representatives of the Academy go through an extensive process to solicit nominations of the most effective teachers campus wide (Award winners must have been teaching on campus for at least four years to be eligible). Faculty members selected for this award receive public recognition at a Faculty Awards ceremony held in the Spring semester.

View the Effective Teaching Award Recipients


AET Handbook First Edition 2011

AET Handbook Second Edition 2021

Books on Teaching


View AET Lectures on Teaching