Student Participation

Interested in a Student Participant opportunity with Midwest Criminal Justice Institute(MCJI)?

  1. Fill out the below form. 
  2. Make sure all information provided is accurate. Any false statements may disqualify you from participation.
  3. Make sure to include an update resume 
First Name
Last Name
Phone number you can be reached at
Student Email
Other Email address
When can you start working
How many hours can you work
Days of Week you can work*
Select All that Apply
Times of day you can work
Select All that Apply
Desired Duration (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY):*
Desired Duration (1 or 2 Semesters):
Which law enforcement agency(s) are you interested in?*
Select All that apply
What is your GPA(3.0,3.5,etc.)
Undergraduate / Graduate*
Grade Level
Year of Graduation
List Major field of Study
List Minor field of Study

Resume Upload