Testing Information for Instructors

If a student is interested in taking a test outside of the classroom as a make-up exam or for accommodations, fill out a Testing Information Form below. At that point, have your student schedule with us by stopping by Grace Wilkie 320, calling 316-978-TEST or by scheduling online at . If you have any questions please reach out to us at testingcenter@wichita.edu.


Please include first and last name.
Example: ENG 101
Testing Staff will calculate extended time, if applicable.
Materials Allowed:*
Testing Hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm- Monday to Friday
Please enter the LAST day the exam may be completed
We do our best to return exams within 24 hours, however there may be delays during heavy testing times.

For larger files, please take a few minutes for this file to upload upon clicking submit.

Please remind students:

  • APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL EXAMS. Direct students to to schedule appointments. Please do not advise students to walk-in without an appointment. Only appointments made by students online will be honored. We no longer accept walk-ins under any circumstances. 
  • There is a $20 fee for taking a test with the Office of Student Accommodations & Testing unless the student is registered for accommodations. Payment is made online at the time the appointment is scheduled. We do not accept payments of any kind in office. 
  • Photo ID is required to test (Shocker ID card, driver’s license, employer ID, passport)
  • Our testing hours Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. No exam will start after 4:15 pm Students should allow themselves enough time to complete the exam prior to the end of testing hours.
  • We are located in the Shocker Success Center, Suite 118 on the first floor, east end of the building. 

NOTE:  It is the instructor’s responsibility to provide all testing materials, i.e., copies of exam, bubble sheets, etc.

Our preferred exam sharing method is through exam upload. If this method is not possible, please deliver all testing material with complete instructions to the Office of Student Accommodations & Testing , Shocker Success Center 118 or send to Box 132 OSAT.  You may also email testingcenter@wichita.edu.

Testing Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (4:15 latest start time)