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Looking for Faculty Advancement?

What is OIR?

The Office of Instructional Resources provides WSU instructors of any rank a single point of contact for your training needs.  Not only do our own experts offer training directly, we partner with experts across the campus to bring you the information you need to become the best instructor you can be. Think of us as the hub you can come to for help.

To get started, click "Section Menu" above or select from the "Quick Links" below. No matter where you go in our suite of pages, you can get back to this starting page by clicking "Return to OIR." Want to request a page, or need further help? Email us at OIR@wichita.edu


OIR Quick Links


Faculty Instruction Manual     Pedagogy      Accessibility     Teaching Today Newsletter     ARC: August 2024


 Blackboard Ultra      Course Video    Panopto     Microsoft Teams     Watermark

Forms and Support

 Student Training Hub                Get Help  Come to Labs