Alaejah Robinson
Responsibility | Input | Restorative | Positivity | Individualization
Uses Restorative in their 成人头条
Leads with Positivity
Uses Input in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Others should engage with their strengths because they can get an insightful explanation of their unique qualities & hone in on their skills to better themselves."
Alex Troth
Responsibility | Futuristic | Analytical | Self-Assurance | Learner
Uses Analytical in their 成人头条
Leads with Futuristic
Uses Learner in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Engaging with your strengths helps to better understand yourself and learn the best way you provide for a team."
Annie Wasinger
Input | Achiever | Futuristic | Includer | Learner
Uses Input in their 成人头条
Leads with Includer
Uses Achiever in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Clifton Strengths isn't like every other personality test. It uses empirical data to strengthen one's own perceptions of their innate gifts. I love how there are only 34 strengths and no weaknesses, as we can all nurture and improve each of the thirty-four themes within ourselves. Lastly, it's great for interviews- with each response I give I question whether the interviewer sees my top five strengths in my response."
Austin Helgerson
Restorative | Harmony | Adaptability | Developer | Includer
Uses Adaptability in their 成人头条
Leads with Includer
Uses Restorative in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"It can help you find a better sense of confidence in your skillset."
Benjamin Anderson
Learner | Restorative | Connectedness | Command | Competition
Uses Learner in their 成人头条
Leads with Command
Uses Restorative in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"It is important to engage with your strengths in order to understand and refine your leadership style."
Damaris Sanchez Garcia
Intellections | Restorative | Positivity | Responsibility | Futuristic
Uses Responsibility in their 成人头条
Leads with Positivity
Uses Intellection in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"CliftonStrengths gives you insight into how you interact with others and your greatest strengths. After reading your strengths, it also helps you use them to your advantage in any situation."
Garett Knight
Futuristic | Ideation | Woo | Maximizer | Communication
Uses Ideation, Maximizer, and Communication in their 成人头条
Leads with Futuristic
Uses Woo, Communication, and Futuristic in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"They give you an understanding of how to deal with a variety of situations as well as understanding the flaws that might affect those situations as well!"
Devon Robinson
Activator | Relator | Restorative | Discipline | Individualization
Uses Relator and Discipline in their 成人头条
Leads with Discipline
Uses Every Top 5 in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"The only thing between you now, and the you that exists in your dreams, is the reluctance to see what strengths only you possess."
Hafsa Sadaf
Input | Restorative | Includer | Connectedness | Relator
Uses Input in their 成人头条
Leads with Connectedness
Uses Restorative in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and knowing exactly what they are help you grow in the best version of yourself."
Jamie Claeys
Restorative | Relator | Harmony | Intellection | Developer
Uses Intellection in their 成人头条
Leads with Harmony
Uses Relator in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Your Strengths tell you how you can best utilize your abilities for others."
Jonathan Stanger
Analytical | Strategic | Futuristic | Individualization | Restorative
Uses Strategic in their 成人头条
Leads with Analytical
Uses Strategic in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Being able to know your strengths allow you to play into them in multiple scenarios. For example, knowing your strengths can give you an advantage in interviews, work, and other tasks."
Jordan Manning
Learner | Responsibility | Futuristic | Achiever | Arranger
Uses Learner in their 成人头条
Leads with Learner
Uses Responsibility in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Everyone should use their strengths to understand the areas they excel and to develop strategies to push through adversity."
Juan Gurrola
Deliberative | Discipline | Consistency | Relator | Harmony
Uses Discipline in their 成人头条
Leads with Relator
Uses Consistency in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Your Strengths help you recognize who you. You are like 'Oh! That does describe me!'"
Landyn Patterson
Futuristic | Strategic | Communication | Includer | Woo
Uses Strategic in their 成人头条
Leads with Strategic
Uses Futuristic in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Engaging with your strengths allows you to unleash your full potential and achieve your greatest success!"
McKinzie McWilliams
Achiever | Includer | Developer | Empathy | Learner
Uses Achiever in their 成人头条
Leads with Includer
Uses Empathy in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Everyone should engage with their strengths so that they know the top five things they are good at. We all have time where we don't think we're good at anything and knowing those can remind you. Also, knowing yours and how to use them can help you with interviewing and job searching since a lot of fortune 500 companies use strengths!"
Noah Carter
Strategic | Self-Assurance | Futuristic | Responsibility | Individualization
Uses Responsibility and Analytical in their 成人头条
Leads with Individualization
Uses Self-Assurance in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"As a leader, it is important to know yourself before you can begin leading others. Strengths helps you know what you can do best, but also help you recognize where your strengths can sometimes be weaknesses if they aren't used properly."
Riley McMillan
Deliberative | Achiever | Discipline | Competition | Learner
Uses Discipline in their 成人头条
Leads with Achiever
Uses Learner in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"Others should engage with their strengths so they can set goals and know how to apply their strengths and weaknesses when working with others."
Sierra Riley
Context | Restorative | Communication | Belief | Includer
Uses Context in their 成人头条
Leads with Context
Uses Communication in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"They help you get a better understanding of how you function in your day to day life."
Tako Nyapadi
Arranger | Responsibility | Futuristic | Learner | Positivity
Uses Positivity in their 成人头条
Leads with Positivity
Uses Positivity in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"It is basically your personality explained better, knowing your strengths means knowing yourself, and that's powerful!"
Trinity Madden
Restorative | Belief | Developer | Positivity | Learner
Uses Learner in their 成人头条
Leads with Belief
Uses Belief in their Everyday Life
Why Strengths?
"I think our strengths are both amazing and scary somethings. They can bring out the best and worst, so that's why it's incredibly important to understand them so you can use them and grow with them overtime."