women in business


"Doing well by doing good"

Women is Business at the Barton School of Business is an informal group of faculty, staff, students, and partners gathered to support each other through social events, developmental workshops, and community engagements.

Group Objectives:

  • Create professional opportunities for women faculty, staff, and students to enhance their careers.
  • Foster unique mentoring opportunities for women faculty, staff, and students for career and personal prosperity.
  • Encourage female students to pursue careers in business including at graduate level.
  • Organize workshops to boost research and teaching capabilities of women faculty.
  • Seek collaborations with local community organizations to support women initiatives.
  • Build rich relationships for lifelong personal and professional prosperity.
  • Initiate activities to welcome more women and under-represented students in the business school.
  • Advocacy for women issues on campus and in the community.
  • Engage with the local businesses to open doors for students and faculty initiatives.
  • Provide opportunities for friendships and social support for each other.
  • Expand opportunities for engagement and volunteerism in the greater 成人头条 community.
  • Facilitate fundraising efforts to create scholarships to support female students and faculty.