Conference Awards


American Model UN - Chicago, IL

2023 Costa Rica, Venezuela Position Paper Delegation Awards  
  Costa Rica Exceptional Representation GA 1st
2022 China, Vietnam Position Paper Delegation Awards  
  China Exceptional Representation GA 3rd
2021 Japan, Hungary Position Paper Delegation Awards  
  Japan Exceptional Representation GA 1st
2020 Armenia, Ethiopia, Ireland, South Africa Position Paper Delegation Awards  
  Ethiopia Exceptional Representation UNESCO
  South Africa Exceptional Representation Security Council
2012     GA 2nd
2005 Australia    
2004 Switzerland    


National Model UN - New York City

2024 Kazakhstan Distinguished Delegation  
  Kazakhstan Outstanding Position Paper Human Rights Council
2023 Bulgaria Distinguished Delegation  
2021 Bahamas Honorable Mention Delegation Award  
2019 Nepal Distinguished Delegation  
2017 Lithuania Honorable Mention  
    Outstanding Position Paper GA 2 and GA 3
2015 Estonia Distinguished Delegation  
2009 Czech Republic Honorable Mention  
2008 Philippines Honorable Mention  
2007 France Outstanding Delegation  
    Outstanding Position Paper Award (delegation)  
    Outstanding Delegates World Food Program
2004 Laos    
2003 Finland    
2002 DPRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)  

International Conferences

2023 Nigeria Outstanding Delegation ScotMUN - Edinburgh Scotland
2019 Nigeria Honorable Mention Delegation NMUN Europe - Erfurt Germany
2018 Russia Outstanding Delegate Security Council - ScotMUN
  Brazil Outstanding Delegate 3rd Committee - ScotMUN
  Kenya Honorable Mention G-77 - ScotMUN
  France Honorable Mention IMF - ScotMUN
2015 UK Outstanding Delegation NMUN - Europe - Czech Republic
2015 UK Outstanding position paper Security Council
2014 Germany Outstanding Delegate Scheidemann Council (1919) - MUN Turkey
2013 China Distinguished Delegation Latin American MUN - Galapagos Ecuador


Midwest Model UN - Saint Louis, MO

Year Country Award Committee
2020  Germany  Outstanding Position Paper  Security Council North, Security Council South, UNEA, GA 3rd
    Outstanding Delegate Security Council North, Ecosoc, CCPCJ
    Outstanding Delegation GA Plenary, Ecosoc Plenary
    Delegate's Choice Security Council North
    Honorable Mention Delegation GA 2nd
  Austria Honorable Mention Delegation GA 1st
    Delegate's Choice GA 1st
 2019 Russia Outstanding Delegate  GA 2nd, Ecosoc
     Outstanding Position Paper GA 2nd, WHO
     Honorable Mention Delegation GA Plenary, WHO
     Delegate's Choice Ecosoc
    Outstanding Delegation Ecosoc Plenary
  Uruguay Outstanding Delegate WHO
    Outstanding Position Paper GA 4th
     Delegate's Choice WHO
    Honorable Mention Delegation  GA Plenary, Ecosoc Plenary, Ecosoc
2018 Nigeria Outstanding Delegate ILO
    Outstanding Delegation Ecosoc Plenary
    Outstanding Position Paper 2nd, 4th, WIPO
  Sweden Honorable Mention and Delegate's Choice WIPO
    Honorable Mention Ecosoc Plenary
    Outstanding Position Paper Security Council
2017 Switzerland Outstanding Delegate First Committee
    Delegate's Choice and Honorable Mention UNCTAD
    Outstanding Delegate UNHCR
    Honorable Mention Ecosoc
    Honorable Mention Second committee
  United Kingdom Outstanding Delegation Ecosoc Plenary
    Delegate's Choice Security Council
    Outstanding Position Paper First Committee
    Outstanding Position paper Security Council (north and south)
2016 Guatemala Honorable Mention and Delegate's choice Indigenous Forum
    Outstanding Position Paper and Delegate's Choice CND
    Outstanding Delegation Ecosoc Plenary
  Canada Outstanding Position Paper Indigenous Forum
    Outstanding Position Paper Fourth Committee
    Outstanding Position paper Second Committee
  Italy Honorable Mention and Outstanding Position paper First Committee
2014 Iran Outstanding Delegate Second Committee
  Netherlands Outstanding Delegate Fourth Committee
    Outstanding Delegate Commission on the Status of Women
    Delegates Choice Fourth Committee
    Position Paper Commission on the Status of Women
  UK Position paper Security Council
  Luxembourg Honorable Mention Security Council
  BBC Outstanding Delegate Int'l Press Delegation
2013 Japan Outstanding Delegation Ecosoc Plenary
    Outstanding Delegate GA 3rd
    Outstanding Delegate


    Delegate's Choice Ecosoc
  Guatemala Outstanding Delegate Security Council
    Delegate's Choice Security Council
  Chile Honorable Mention CND
    Position Paper Award CND
2012 Cuba Outstanding Delegation GA Plenary
  Cuba Delegate's Choice CSD
  Cuba Position Paper Award Sixth committee
  Saudi Arabia Outstanding Delegate CSD
2011 China Outstanding Delegate Historic Security Council
  China Outstanding Delegate ECOSOC
  Switzerland Outstanding Delegate IAEA
  Switzerland Outstanding Delegation Position Papers All committees
  Switzerland Outstanding Position Paper UNICEF
2010 Brazil Outstanding Delegate CSW
  Brazil Honorable Mention Ecosoc Plenary
2009 Iceland Outstanding Delegation GA Plenary
    Outstanding Delegation Ecosoc Plenary
    Outstanding Delegate Ecosoc
    Honorable Mention GA 4th
  Czech Republic Honorable Mention ILO
    Honorable Mention Ecosoc Plenary
  Kenya Honorable Mention GA 3rd
    Honorable Mention Ecosoc Plenary
2008 Switzerland Outstanding Delegate 1st committee
    Outstanding Delegate Human Rights Council
  South Africa Honorable Mention 1st committee
  Philippines Honorable Mention Commission on Sustainable Development
2007 Colombia Outstanding Delegate Peacebuilding Commission
2006 Australia Outstanding Delegate ECOSOC - Uruguay
2005 Brazil Outstanding Delegate ECOSOC - Switzerland
2004 Japan Outstanding Delegate ECOSOC - Indonesia
    Outstanding Delegate UNEP
    Outstanding Delegate GA 4th Committee
    Outstanding Delegation ECOSOC Plenary
2003 Norway Outstanding Delegate Security Council
    Outstanding Delegate ECOSOC
2002 China Outstanding Delegation GA Plenary