Scheduling Considerations for HyFlex
At this time, HyFlex courses do not have their own instructional method code, so instructors who wish to offer a course in a HyFlex format should choose the HYB instructional method code and be sure to explain the attendance expectations to students in the syllabus and on the first day of class.
In order to offer a HyFlex course, instructors will have to be scheduled in a "New Master Classroom" or other classroom with videoconference capabilities. If you need help choosing a classroom, contact Campus Media Services at CMS@wichita.edu or 316-978-3588 to discuss your options. The request for a master classroom should go in during the schedule building process and starts with the instructor's department. The reqest then moves on to the Registrar's office, and they balance several considerations in assigning classrooms. A master classroom is not guaranteed.
Instructors who decide to offer their course in HyFlex after the course schedule has been created will need to work through their department schedule builder first, and from there the request will go on to the Registrar's office, but the chances of a master classroom being available to move to are slim unless the class is scheduled in the afternoon or evening.