University Assessment Data [UAD]:
University Assessment Data (UAD) provides access to university data collection efforts, overseen by the Office of Assessment, pertaining to assessment and accreditation requirements. These data encompass student, program and university level initiatives aimed at assessing and improving performance including reporting to accrediting agencies such as the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Examples of UAD reports and analysis:
- Higher Learning Commission (HLC) data assets and reports.
- WSU Graduation Partnership initiatives.
- Survey data including the Student Exit and Alumni surveys, the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) surveys and GradesFirst surveys.
- Performance dashboards including the Foresight2020 and WSU Performance Agreements.
- State mandated agreements such as the Kansas Senate Bill 127 Engineering Degrees Initiative.
- Studies on General Education learning outcomes.
KBOR Performance Agreements [UAD]:
Every three years the university sets performance agreements with the Kansas Board of Regents; progress is tracked throughout the 3 years, with reports provided to KBOR at the end of each calendar year. See below for the most recent performance agreements:
- 2010-2012 Performance Agreements
- 2014-2016 Performance Agreements
- Academic Year 2017 Performance Agreement Report
- Academic Year 2018 Performance Agreement Report
- Academic Year 2019 Performance Agreement Report
KBOR Foresight 2020 [UAD]:
In September of 2010, the Kansas Board of Regents approved a 10 year strategic plan for the state's postsecdondary institutions, with measurable goals to be achieved by the year 2020:
Institutional Peers Data [UAD]:
- WSU Peer Institutions List
- WSU Peer Institutions Comparative Metrics
- WSU Peer Institutions Methodology
- Kansas Regents Institutions
External Reporting Data [ERD]:
External reporting data includes federal and state reports as well as any data requested by outside entities or individuals.
- Federal reports include data submitted to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System (IPEDS), surveys conducted by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education, and data needed for grant-based programs such as the TRIO programs.
- State reports include official enrollment numbers reported to the Kansas Board of Regents, the Kansas Postsecondary Database, Faculty Reports and Program Review.
- Outside entities include individuals with open records acts that have been approved by the general counsel's office, profit & non-profit agencies, proprietary surveys such as US News & World Report, College Board, Peterson's and also conducts the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE).
Common Data Set [ERD]:
The Common Data Set contains a variety of data about 成人头条, and is also used by many other universities, which provides the same reporting standards for all universities.
- 2017-2018 Common Data Set
- 2018-2019 Common Data Set
- 2019-2020 Common Data Set
- 2020-2021 Common Data Set
- 2021-2022 Common Data Set
- 2022-2023 Common Data Set
- 2023-2024 Common Data Set
- 2024-2025 Common Data Set
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System [ERD]:
The Integrated Postsecondary Education System or IPEDS, is operated by the National Center for Educational Statistics. Aggregate information is collected from all colleges, universities, and technical/vocational schools that receive federal student financial aid.
KBOR Program Review [ERD]:
Program Review is conducted by the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR); please see the document below from KBOR regarding Program Review:
All documents related to the Program Review process can be found at:
- Program Review Annual Timeline (this link leaves the OPA website)